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Simm updates!

Posted on Sun Dec 13th, 2009 @ 8:42pm by Walter Jones

Hey everyone, few updates for the simm.

First of All, I would like to welcome a new crew member, Amber Wilson to the simm. (Try not to make the Andorian or the Chal made, they bite and have sharp teeth.)

Second (a). We've got a few joint posts going right now. We'll get those finished up in the next week then actually head out to the starbase, timeframe for the start of that will be starting on the 4th. (see post below) Remember I'm always up for a joint post and I know everyone else is to, so don't be shy.

Second. (b) With the holidays coming up, I'm going to loosen up restrictions for a bit so that you don't feel pressured to forgo tastiness for simming. I'd like to finish up this week strong. Start a two week lax period starting on Monday the 21st, and going through Jan the 4th, That doesn't mean that you have to stop posting but if you need an LOA or if you don't have the time to post, that is fine, just either log in every now and then to let me know you are here, or send me/Tyl/Lottie, an e-mail or use the LOA feature through the SMS.

Thirdly, I'd like to know what you guys think of the Simm, good, bad, ugly, etc. Please send me feed back, or if you prefer to be anonymous, I'm going to set up a form field in the next few days for you all to leave comments on if you want that will get sent to me. I want to do this so that I can improve the simm and make sure that you are all happy. Ultimately we are all here to have fun, and if you aren't having fun, then we need to do something different.

You guys are great! Keep up the good work!



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