Some free writing time
Posted on Mon Apr 4th, 2011 @ 4:51pm by Walter Jones
Hey guys.. looking good today!
Just wanted to let you all know that I'm going to open it up for some free writing and offer a contest. What the prize is I'm not sure yet but, lets do this....
Best post that shows a day in the life aboard the Warden wins a fabulous prize.. can be a JP, a single post, multiple post. Either way.
We are currently enroute to a mining out post where we will start the next job. I'm still leaning towards doing the time travel one or the alternate dimension, but the TF is going to be doing a general story arc again and I'm going to see if something comes up.
Also, sometime this week, say good bye to the green, I'm going to update us to Nova 1.2 when I have a few moments. :-)
Happy writing guys and we'll get the next bit going soon.
Category: General News