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Mon Sep 26th, 2011 @ 2:32am


Name Martok

Position Other

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Chal
Age 145

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 1"
Weight 160 lbs
Hair Color Blakc
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Martok, being a Chal, has an appearance that is a mixture of that of a Klingon and a Romulan. He has the size of a Klingon, along with their head ridges. He also had some Romulan mixed in with him. He had the eyes and ears of a Romulan. He had a scar running along the right side of his face from a battle long ago.


Spouse none
Children none
Father Unknown
Mother Unknown
Brother(s) Chal race
Sister(s) Chal race
Other Family Unknown

Personality & Traits

General Overview Martok has kind of a dark and mysterious personality. He likes to keep to himself and doesnt have many friends.
Strengths & Weaknesses Able to channel his rage into a controlled violence that makes him an excellent killer.
Ambitions Martok has one ambition....Kill
Hobbies & Interests Killing and weapons
Languages to many to list.

Personal History Martok was “born” in the year 2287, by the standard Earth calender, on the planet Chall. Chall is a small paradise planet located in the Klingon/Romulan nuetral zone. The Chall, Klingon for Children of Heaven,” are a race of genetically created soldiers. They are Klingon/Romulan hybrids with Human DNA and organs implanted. They have heightened senses and reflexes and an extremely long life expectancy. The Chall were created during the Klingon-UFP war from 2218 to 2293. Martok was one of the later constructs, now the Chall are born naturally. The Klingons and Romulans were worried that the Federation would defeat the Klingons and then go wild and defeat the Romulans as well. The Chall were an insurance policy of sorts. The planet was discovered by none other then the infamous Captain James Tiberius Kirk. Kirk fell in love with one of the Chall that he met at a peace conference, she was a guest of the Klingon consulate. He went back to Chall and after a series of classified event involving Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise D Chall became a member of the UFP.

Martok has been highly trained under the ideals of both the Klingons and the Romulans. He specialized in tactical, but also has sufficient training in engineering and operations. Jorvin never really new his parents. He spent his childhood and youth in training compounds.

From a young age Martok showed skill with weapons. At the age of 18 he became his squad's weapons specialist. The youngest in the planet's military. He also did quite well in his engineering classes.

By the time that Chall became a member of the UFP Martok was about 60 years old. 10 years later Starfleet accepted his application and he began to make his way through the Academy. Due to his extensive training, Martok knew more as a first year cadet then most of the 4th year cadets and some of the instructors. The only problem Martok had was adjusting to Federation technology after 60 years of Klingon and Romulan technology.

Martok graduated at the top of his class, a tactical major, and went on to his first assignment as a tactical officer on board the USS Phoenix, a Nebula class vessel assigned to patrol duty along the Cardassian border. Martok started out at the rank of Ensign, just like every other Academy Grad. However his knowledge and skill caught the eye of his Co and he was soon promoted to Lt. jg. And subsequently to Lt. Just before Martok transferred to the USS Bismark, a Akira class, as chief of security and tactical. Martok served here during the Dominion war. His Tactical expertise allowing them to survive numerous times. However Martok lost many friends during the war and decided to leave the Federation. He became a freelancer or a Mercenary, whichever term you prefer. He became widely known in the galalxy's underworld.

Service Record Classified