Kane Katarn

Name Kane Katarn

Position Cargo Chief

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Ktarian
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 5"
Weight 145 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Yellow
Physical Description Ktarians have distinctive foreheads divided into two hemispheres and distinctive eyes with horizontally slit pupils.


Father Kane Ereus
Mother Adara Katarn

Personality & Traits

General Overview Calm and work loving. Most case friendly, but my become annoyed and a bit rude.
Strengths & Weaknesses Focused and hard working. Dosen't like to waste time
Hobbies & Interests Books, music, food, some science.

Personal History Kane was in Starfleet for some time. He ended his training on the Academy and become a Master of Science diploma. Still, this wasn't his place. After a fight with a crewman and being most case seen as trouble, Kane left the ranks of Starfleet and started to travel between worlds, getting jobs on several worlds, but still, not finding his place.