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Sat Jul 18th, 2009 @ 7:28pm

Lillian Merricks

Name Lillian Jane Merricks

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human (Alpha Centaurian)
Age 51

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 3"
Weight 117 lbs
Hair Color Black-Gray
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Though Lillian is of a shorter stature, this does not affect the bold and daring look she manages to produce. Her black and graying hair is usually wrapped in a bun at the back of her head, with a few curls lying around near her temples. Her face is naturally tanned, now, due to her recent assignment on a very arid, M-class planet, and this soft color contrasts to her piercing, sapphire blue eyes which tend to give off a 'I'm dangerous' sort of look.

Though short, Lillian makes up for this with muscle. For a woman of the age of 51, she is still very healthy due to a life of hard cardio and hard living. She is toned and her skin is still firm. The only wrinkles she has lie on her face, in particular around her eyes and mouth area.


Father Mesara Flax-Merricks, 82 - DECEASED, 2378
Mother Cmdre. Jane Merricks, 83 - DECEASED, 2378
Brother(s) Jacon Merricks, 55

Personality & Traits

General Overview Lillian was once a content and out-spoken woman with a kind, mother-like demeanor. But due to recent events in her life, this has changed. She is a very moody woman, in other words grouchy. She is almost Tellarite in nature due to her new tendency to argue at everything, and if she is pushed to her limit she will let rip a tide of fury on anyone who pulls at her anger strings. However, she is still quite the out-spoken, honest woman she was before, just with a darker tinge then she had ever imagined.

Underneath this anger she hides her sorrow. Her sorrow for the people who couldn't be helped during her last and final five year long assignment. She lost her faith in all that she believed in during those five years, and now her spirit is broken, leaving her trying to pick up the pieces and discover who she is once again. Starfleet was once Captain Merrick's life, but for what they did and didn't do to and for the people of New Altair IV she will never forget.
Strengths & Weaknesses Lillian brings with her many skills that Starfleet had offered her. She used to be a Security Officer when she was young, so she is highly trained in first hand and weapon's combat. As well, she has expertise in Galactic politics, due to the nature of her first two commands, and as an Operations officer. Besides her Starfleet trades, however, she also brings other qualities that someone could put to use. She had been trained as a leader once before, and in times of emergency, though she is grouchier than she can remember, she can lead people with confidence. She is also an out-spoken woman who tends to speak her mind about any situation, and she will speak her mind.

However, many weaknesses also lie in this lost soul. She is constantly angry, leaving herself emotionally drained, and most likely causing others hell since Lillian feels like sharing. Her out-spoken side also is a weakness, since she will quite literally speak her mind about anything she wishes, which can be cause for annoyance, fury and whatever can come of those two nasty traits. And since she is emotionally drained, she is also always prone to momentary lapses in common sense (as in charging into a long line of huge men to try and fight them all with her bare hands) or even emotional breakdowns.
Ambitions All Lillian wants to do is escape Starfleet and the Federation, and live out the last days of her life alone, without interference. But first she has to escape Starfleet's grasp.
Hobbies & Interests At one time, when Lillian was much more relaxed, Lillian was quite involved in martial arts, and the Earth sports of rugby, European football, and swimming. She also used to practice her aim in holodecks or in professional weapon's rings using aiming programs.

At one time, Lillian used to cook. She would cook anything that came to her mind, any cuisine that she could (and if she couldn't she would master it). She also used to collect Risian carvings and exotic items from wherever she would visit.
Languages Federation Standard, English, Vulcan, Andorian, Tellarite, Centaurian, Klingon

Personal History Lillian Jane Merricks was born in 2334 to Commodore Jane Merricks and Mesara Flax-Merricks on Alpha Centauri. Her life was that of a regular Federation system, especially one that was a part of the Inner Systems: a life of paradise, freedom of choice and speech, and carelessness.

When Lillian was five, her mother, along with her brother Jacon, was transferred to living aboard the Ambassador class starship Exeter, where her mother was Chief Conn Officer. From here on in, Lillian's life was all a matter of getting somewhere and finding out what she was good at. Starfleet was in her blood from the moment she was born, and every experience that she had aboard the Exeter up until the point that she was 18 and allowed to apply to the Academy showed that too her. During the Tzenkethi-Federation Conflicts, Lillian was in the heat of the action, and though she was scared, she managed to help wherever she could; again aboard the Exeter, her an her mother helped down in sick-bay side by side during a skirmish with the Tholians, and during some failed Cardassian peace talks Lillian managed to expose one of them running loose gathering intelligence aboard the ship. Yes, she knew it was what she wanted to do.

Starfleet and Federation ideals appealed to her. Seeking out new life and new civilizations, helping during first warp flight and first contact with other species, new cosmic discoveries - she wanted to do it all. And so, she took four years out of her life at Starfleet Academy, and these four long and sometimes tiresome years turned her into a Starfleet Ensign in the Security and Tactical fields, as well as expertise in Galactic politics and Operations.

Over her 29 year long career, spanning from 2356 to a few months ago, she had served and done many things. She had survived the Battle of Wolf 359, participated in the blockade of the Romulan Empire during the Klingon Civil War as a Tactical Officer aboard the Excalibur, she went on a year long deep space mission aboard the Crazy Horse and discovered a new kind of space dust, she had commanded a group of fellow Officers during the Dominion War during the defense of Betazed and participated in it's resistance, and had taken her first command of the Yamato before war's end. All this time she never lost faith in Starfleet of the Federation. They had been fighting for the good of the Quadrant, upholding Federation values and representing the Federation's finest attributes and advances.

She had lost people, though, which began to show her just how real life was getting. Her mother and father were both killed due to not only her position in Starfleet, but her mother's previous work fighting organized crime within the Federation. This brought Lillian into working for the JAG office while keeping her command aboard the Yamato until 2380. This is when her devotion began to die.

Lillian had been assigned command of a huge operation, deemed Operation Safe Shores. The citizens of New Altair IV were poor, starving, battered and bruised due to the recent attacks of a rogue Romulan sect that terrorizes Federation colonies near the Romulan border. It was Lillian's job to defend the colony, and pick up the pieces along with hundreds of other personnel and massive amounts of equipment. But not everything went they way it was supposed too.

Passion was one word that described her drive to save these people. She was so passionate about this mission, so hopeful that it would succeed and prove to her the Federation was full of good. But the plan began to fail. Starfleet hadn't paid to much mind to the Operation after it had begun, dealing with more pressing matters elsewhere, mainly the C'Hakilian War and the Gorn were taking their eyes away. Lillian tried to keep matters in hand, but things began to go wrong. Repairs stopped coming, personnel were taken away from their posts here and diverted elsewhere, to deal with the new threat of the Gorn and C'Hakilian's. New equipment never began to come, and supplies ran low for everyone. Starfleet had forgotten about Operation Safe Shore; they hadn't even taken the time to scrap the plan, they just forgot.

Lillian was outraged. In 2383 she took her anger to the Federation Council, and she pleaded on behalf of the whole colony for the lives of the people and their well-being. However, she was quickly turned aside in the face of a new threat that was taking up their time: the Ratarian Empire. They simply told her on her way out to continue doing her duty, and wait for the call.

No call came. And so, in late 2384, a distraught Lillian along with the rest of the remaining personnel dropped ranks. They were no longer Starfleet officers. And so, with the mission a total disaster, they all ran their seperate ways.

Everyone but Lillian, the commanding officer and former Captain, has been captured. Now she is looking for a place to rest, her safe passage out of the damned Federation. And that place just may be the Warden.
Service Record 2356-2367, Ensign to Lieutenant, Security/Tactical Officer, USS Petempkin, Miranda Class
2368-2371, Lieutenant, Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer, Auxiliary Operations Officer, USS Excalibur
2372-2373, Lieutenant, Chief Security/Tactical Officer, USS Crazy Horse
2373-early 2375, Lieutenant Commander, Commanding Security Force 291-Alpha
late 2375-2379, Commander to Captain, Commanding Officer, USS Yamato
2379-2380, JAG Official, Captain, Starbase 230
2380-2384, Captain, Commanding Officer, Operation New Shore, New Altair IV
2384-2385, On the run for mutiny and refusal to follow orders. Starfleet has issued a General Order to bring her back no matter the cost due to the volatile nature of the information she knows and the situation she had left and caused.