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Wed May 5th, 2010 @ 3:02pm

Kyle Bowman

Name Kyle Leonard Bowman

Position Pilot

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 8"
Weight 154 lbs
Hair Color Blond
Eye Color Light blue
Physical Description Quite shabby to look at, Kyle has two tattoos of coiled serpents on each wrist and a half removed slave brand on the back of his neck.. However, he is always clean, almost meticulously so, regardless of his look. He has close cropped hair, and a scar across his right cheek from a bar fight many years ago. He also always wears a long, faded, red leather storm coat when not in the pilots chair, an iconic piece of clothing for an irregular man.


Spouse none
Children none
Father Ryan (deceased)
Mother Paula (deceased)
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) none
Other Family Numerous old flames.

Personality & Traits

General Overview A cocky man, Kyle is convinced he is right. He always forges ahead on the path he believes will lead him to greater glory. However, he is also a pragmatist. He is not afraid to compromise in order to achieve this aims, and can sometimes put others in danger in order to save his own skin.
However, he is also a well trained pilot, who has always loved to be at the controls of a ship of any kind. He will always try to save the ship, even if he is as partial to the crew. He has also been known to be a heavy drinker, although would never harm the ship by drinking on the job.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Well qualified pilot, precise eyesight, Good shot with a Phaser, Good with words.

Weaknesses: Poor personality, Arrogant, Overly pragmatic, Prone to cruelty, Unpredictable
Ambitions To eventually make his fortune and buy his own starship.
Hobbies & Interests Dabo, Dom-jot, Blackjack, Pool, Piloting & engineering, being a pain in the ass.
Languages English, Orion, Klingon, a smattering of Vulcan

Personal History Born on a boomer trader between Starbase 232 and the Orion colony, Kyle has space in his blood. His mother and farther were both engineers on a bulk trader. He spent the first part of his life on the ship, rarely leaving. Hypo-spanners and lock-nuts were his toys, and computer stations his friends.

Although his mother was a loving woman, his farther was an alcoholic, and prone to mood swings. Although he never hit Kyle, it always made him feel small and unimportant.

At the age of twelve there was an accident and Kyle's farther was killed, boiled alive by a malfunctioning plasma conduit. His mother moved him to a small colony, out of the way, to bring Kyle up in a 'real home' as she called it. She helped run the local store, and made enough to keep herself and her son alive, as well as allowing Kyle to attend the local schools.

Kyle, however, never felt at home on the colony, or with any of its children. He longed for the stars. He would sneak to a nearby bar to listen to traders tell their tales of deep space, and the adventures of their travels.

On Kyle's 17th Birthday he got his wish, although not in the way he wanted. A plasma flu epidemic spread through the colony, killing many, including his mother. Bulk traders were employed to lift the remaining crew off the surface and away.

Kyle was alone, leaving the body of his mother to be buried by medical personnel in HAZMAT suits. He had no-where to go, no-one to help him. However, the captain of the ship he was evacuated on, Captain Coleman took pity on him, and decided to take the boy on as an engineer’s assistant, knowing he had skills honed by his parents from may long years ago. The ship, The SS Ace's Bluff, although showing a legitimate face, was also a smuggling ship, and had many less then reputable persons aboard, but Kyle had no qualms, bonding quickly with the crew.

Kyle served well, but he discovered he had a passion, and a flair, for the pilot's chair. He could, at the age of 19, perform manoeuvres that some experienced pilots couldn't achieve, and had a knack for navigation. He became the ships pilot, and flew many runs on the ship, many less the reputable. Kyle finally felt he belonged somewhere.

For Kyle, life was good. However, it was not to be.

At the age of 22, the 'Ace's' was caught by the Orion syndicate smuggling goods into their territory. When the captain wouldn't surrender the cargo, the Orions attacked, crippling the ship and killing most of the crew. Kyle was taken as a slave.

Sold on the markets, Kyle spent two years being used for everything, from manual labour to utilising his engineering skills on Orion ships. Eventually, Kyle found a way around some systems on the ship he was on, and used it to trigger a false call for the crew to abandon ship. After they did so, Kyle stole the ship, flying it back into federation space, where he was picked up by the USS Thorn.

After explaining himself, he was released. From then on Kyle has drifted around the quadrant, surviving by working on civilian ships as a pilot, an engineer or both, and not always following the law in the way the average citizen does.
Service Record 2352: Born - Aboard a cargo hauler

2364: Moved to Maradia Colony

2369: Joined the SS Ace's Bluff

2374: Captured by the Orion syndicate, sold as a slave

2376: Escaped captivity, Joined the SS Big Bounty

-Numerous odd jobs and fill jobs

2384: Looked to join the SS Warden as a Pilot