
  • 8 Mission Posts

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Tue Jan 25th, 2011 @ 7:41am

Ryder Chase

Name Ryder Chase

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 1"
Weight 176 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Subject 281290-Ryder, given name Chase:-

Subject is a thin yet tall man who holds himself with a certain air of confidence. Due to his training he has learnt to blend into the crowd or change his entire appearance. His hair is usually short and and raven black and his eyes are a bright hazel. The only distinguishable feature he has is his back is covered in a number of large and small scars.


Spouse N/A
Father Unknown
Mother Unkown

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ryder or Chase as he likes to be called is a rather charming person usually and is very calm and collected but deep down he is tired and feels alone. He has spent his life as a spy and assassin and most of the time he spent months at a time alone.

Strengths & Weaknesses + Infiltration
+ Intelligence gathering
+ Cover Ops
+ SAR (Search and Rescue)
+ Fighting
+ STC- Survival, Tracking and Combat(Jungle, Snow, Dessert, Aqua, Space, Urban)

-Childhood nightmares
-Fear of being alone
-Regrets the things he has done
Ambitions To leave this life behind and one day have a family
Hobbies & Interests Martial Arts, Readings, Running.

Personal History Subject 281290-Ryder, that who I was born as, a subject. I was the eighteenth born In my age group, thats how I got the designation Ryder, eighteenths letter in the alphabet. Thats all I was, a letter, no one. Until she gave me the name Chase. The only friend I ever had and I killed her. Thats what I am, what I do. You want be to track someone I can, infiltrate the highest forms of government, retrieve information, assassinate an official. I am a spy but so much more. Section 31 made me like this. I can be anything you want me to be, but who am I.

Voice recording

Subject: Ryder Chase

Age of recording:- 24

Current age:- 35

Whereabouts:- Unknown

Status:- Burned/Wanted

Personnel assessment:- Shoot on site
Service Record CLASSIFIED, via order by Section 31 Director.