
  • 3 Mission Posts

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Mon Sep 26th, 2011 @ 2:32am

Heather Osier

Name Heather Osier

Position Former Captain of the SS Warden

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 5’ 7”
Weight 128 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Light Blue


Personality & Traits

General Overview Ambitious and Daring, Heather is everything that a freighter captain needs to be out on the trade lanes. She's flown damn near everything and loves to fight.

She's always wanted to fly the lanes, be in charge of her own destiny, but gambling arears left her pennyless and without a ship.
Strengths & Weaknesses Quick with her wit and when that doesn't work, a phaser. She's always willing to take a bet that she knows that she can win, or at least can get out of when she's lost it.
Ambitions Get back her old ship, the SS Warden
Hobbies & Interests Gambling, boozing, fighting

Personal History Heather was the former Captain of the Warden before some gambling debts caught up with her and was forced to sell the ship to pay them off.

Since then, she's been making her way through the quadrant, taking odd jobs: Bartending, freightering, and bounty hunting to name a few.

All that changed when she heard a familiar name, the SS Warden, and the huge bounty placed on the ship and crew.

She dropped everything and immediately chartered a small ship and crew to get back what is rightfully hers...

The SS Warden.
Service Record SS Warden (Former Captain)
SS Botswana
Deep space 2 Bartender
Relay Station 31 Maintenance Monkey
Relay Station 9 Bartender