Ken Mitchell

Name Ken "The Dark" Mitchell

Position Open Crew Slot

Second Position Open Crew Slot

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 41

Physical Appearance

Height 7'3"
Weight 345 lbs.
Hair Color Bald
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Ken is extremely muscular due to extreme weight training regimin. He shaves his head everyday. He also has blue eyes and has a deep low voice. His extreme height commands attention.


Spouse n/a
Children n/a
Father David Mitchell
Mother Donna Mitchell

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ken has been known to have an extremely Dark Personality since he detests smiling. Ken doesn't joke around and hates to joke around. He prefers to keep to himself and trusts nobody. People have known him to have a heart cold as ice. He does have a temper that is beyond comprehension. When he get's angry, he turns deafly silent and gives an extremely cold glare before he does any damage. He does have one commendable trait that he does not tolerate violence against women at all.
Strengths & Weaknesses He is very strong, so strong that other people go, "Dude, you're strong." And then he spears them with his strong physique. He also has been rumored to be able to fly, and to have x-ray vision. Strong X-Ray vision.

He has no weaknesses, as he is very strong.
Ambitions He has no ambitions, except to just make money how ever he can. And to look angry and never smile. No joke.
Hobbies & Interests He loves to work out and tends to be alone and does not like to reveal much about himself. Other than he is strong.
Languages English.

Personal History Apparently he was hired on as the First Mate of the Warden at one point. Nobody is really sure why, and Walter will never tell. But he likes money. So, he wants to take out the warden. With his biceps.