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Mon Sep 26th, 2011 @ 2:32am

James Sullivan

Name James Rocco Sullivan

Position Pilot

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Iotian
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 10"
Weight 202 lbs.
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Rocky is slender chap, never caring too much for his appearance. He only exercises if he's completely out of shape, but he's usually fine. On his homeworld of Iotia, he blended in perfectly. He wore the standard Iotian/American 1930's suits and had his hair slicked back.

Once he got out into space his clothing habits changed, however his hair is almost always perfect. (In Rocky's eyes anyway.) His skin is slightly darker for most Iotians, but still within what humans would consider to be cacasion.


Father Alphonse Sullivan
Mother Marie Sullivan
Brother(s) (From oldest to youngest) Alphonse Jr., *James*, Robert, Frank, and John
Sister(s) Jennifer

Personality & Traits

General Overview Rocky is very laid back, and that says something being that he's an Iotian. He would prefer to do nothing and waste away his days in a space station's lounge. This isn't always the case though, he sometimes surprises people by being the first one to jump up to do something.

He always tries to do his best at anything he puts his mind to. The proof of this is in his piloting ability, his piano playing and singing, and his continuously unsuccessful attempts to improve his aiming. Rocky also fancies himself as a ladies man, though it has never been proven if this is so.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Dedication, Fierce loyalty to his friends, Piloting skills, gambling, piano playing/singing

Weaknesses: Targeting abilities, laziness, more willing to fight that talk
Ambitions To be the best lounge lizard this side of the galaxy.
Hobbies & Interests Playing Rat-Pack era songs in lounges, trying to improve his targeting abilities (to no avail), watching old Earth mobster movies from the early 1900s.
Languages Standard, Iotian, Klingon, Romulan

Personal History One lounge owner once described James Rocco Sullivan as, "Mean, moody, magnificent- Rocky Sullivan". Known to his friends and everyone inbetween as Rocky, Sullivan was born on the planet Sigma Iotia II.

Sigma Iotia II was first discovered by the Earth ship Horizon in 2168. This was before the prime directive was established, so the crew went to the surface and interacted with the very immitative Iotians. Their civilization was in a pre-industrial state when the Horizon left. The crew of the Horizon also left several books, one of them being 'Chicago Mobs of The Twenties'.

The Iotians imitated this book and within 100 years, had developed their entire culture around the old Chicago mobs. Due to the help of the Enterprise crew in 2268, the Iotians were put on the right path and are now a Federation member. However, they still maintain certain aspects of the Chicago in the 20s culture.

James Rocco Sullivan was born on this planet in 2352. He grew up like every other boy his age. He tried to join a gang when he was in his early teens, but was disuaded by his older brother, Alphonse. Alphonse suggested that he try to join Starfleet like him. Wanted to be like his older brother, Rocky was determined to join Starfleet when he turned 18. Sure enough, when he turned 18, he applied and was accepted to Starfleet Academy in 2370.

After two months on Earth, Rocky was expelled due to 'Conduct Unbecoming of a Starfleet Cadet'. He made a move towards an admiral's wife. Details are sketchy, but one day the admiral came home, and the next day Rocky was out of Starfleet.

Feeling depressed and useless, he decided he'd try out for the Earth Cargo Authority. He was stationed on the SS Olympia and it was there that he honed his piloting abilities and learned all that he knows now. Through a friend on the Olympia, he was offered a position on a ship called the SS Tim Is A Jerk. After a good laugh, he hung up is ECA gear and went to serve on the SS Tim Is A Jerk.

While there he made several friends, including an engineer, Walter Jones. The two quickly became very good friends. He served on there for a few years during the Dominion War, and in 2375 the Tim Is A Jerk ran afoul of the Federation. When the crew was being investigated, Rocky stood up for Walter Jones, saying that he was just an engineer. The authorities agreed and let Jones and most of the crew go. Rocky and few others including the captain, were sent to jail.

Rocky found himself on Earth, in a penal colony in New Zealand. As far as prisons went, Rocky thought it was pretty luxurious. While there, he managed to get a hold of a fold-out piano and began to teach himself how to play. By the time he got out in 2380, he was an above average musician.

When his bid was up, he took the first shuttle off Earth which was to Starbase 11. He stayed there for a year, doing odd jobs while playing piano in the base's lounge. In 2381, he decided to go where the money was, Deep Space Nine. There, he did the same things he was doing on SB11, but he made much more money. Soon, he had enough money to buy his own lounge on the Promenade, and it quickly became a huge success. However, due to some bizarre financial problems, he found out that his profits were disappearing.

There is a report filed with the chief of security stating:

"At 1900 hours on stardate 63221.3, one Mr. James 'Rocky' Sullivan was brought into custody after running down the promenade, into Quark's Bar, jumping over the bar and accosting the proprietor, Quark. Sullivan spent the night in the brig. Quark did not file charges."

Deciding he'd had enough of DS9, Rocky was hired by a tellarite cargo captain, to be the pilot of his ship, the SS Deep Fried. In the tellarite languge, it actually translates into Fierce Honor, but due to a syntactical error, the ship's ID has been hard wired as the Deep Fried. The captain has tried to fix it, but to no avail.

In the summer of 2384, the captain of the Deep Fried stopped paying the crew as much as they were promised, there were talks of mutiny and when a bounty was put on the captain's head, Rocky took an escape pod and was picked up by the USS Agincourt. He was dropped off at Deep Space Four, where he currently resides playing in the cantina and doing the occasional odd job that was thrown his way.

This all changed when he learned that a bounty had been placed on his old friend, Walter Jones.

Rocky was eager to collect.
Service Record 2370 -2370 Left Iotia to join Starfleet
2370 -2370 Expelled From Starfleet Academy
2370-2372 Earth Cargo Authority, SS Olympia
2372-2375 SS Tim Is A Jerk
2375-2380 Federation Penal Colony, New Zealand, Earth
2380-2381 Starbase 11
2381-2383 Deep Space Nine
2383-2384 SS Deep Fried
2384-2386 Deep Space Four