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Green Goo

Posted on Sun Jul 26th, 2009 @ 11:43pm by Hank Tasco

256 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Session One - Jailhouse Rock
Location: Cargo Bay
Timeline: Present

His leather Academy jacket had been with him from the beginning, and in that time it had been scratched, ripped, and damaged but no matter how bad it got it was always repairable; that was until the green goo came.

Miller was in the cargo bay quickly going over the inventory before the ship left, when it happened. The first drops sounded like rain hitting the ground, which Miller instantly dismissed as the ship making noises, however when his shoulder started to feel wet and the noise seemed to be getting faster, only then did he notice the goo.

“Ahhh… what the hell!?” Miller said staring at the goo on his shoulder. Looking up to see where it had come from, he spotted a ventilation duct that had green goo dripping from it.

Jumping out of the way of the next droplets, Miller attempted to wipe the goo off his shoulder and was met with dismay when instead of coming away cleanly the goo smeared and seemed to seep deeper into the leather.

“Great!” Miller cursed as he whipped of his jacket and threw it to the cargo bay floor before any more of the goo could seep through and touch his skin. “ Hard to believe a few droplets of goo could do more damage then a knife wielding Nausicaan.”

Finishing the inventory Miller grabbed his ruined jacket and went back to his quarters where he threw it on the floor and took a long shower to remove any traces of the goo from his skin.


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