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Bringing it down

Posted on Mon Mar 22nd, 2010 @ 2:22am by Walter Jones & Martok

559 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Session Two - Space Junk

Jones headed down to Martok's quarters, hopefully the man had come up with some kind of plan to blow the station with least amount of headache. He was good at what he did so he was sure he was going to have something.

Pressing the chime on the outside of the door, he waited for Martok to answer.

"Come on in." Martok said in reply to the chime. "Ah Captain. I take it you are here to see if I have come up with a way to take out the station."

Jones stepped into the quarters, various trophies and weapons adorned the walls of the cabin. Battle plans, mechanisms, electronics. "Cozy isn't? The old man smiled at Martok.

"I like to think so." Martok replied.

"I came down here to see if you had some boom for me, I've decided hat I don't have enough explosions in my life." Walter looked at some of the items laying about in the room.

"Well your in luck." Martok picked up a device, that he had been working on, from the table. "You ever seen one of these before?" he asked

"I'm note sure, I've got an idea but you never know what you are going to find out here." Jones gingerly grabbed the device and inspected it.

"It's a makeshift tricobalt explosive with a stealth device in it." Seeing the questioning look on Walter's face Martok said. "It can't be seen by the naked eye but can be picked up by a scanner. Well I've modified these particular ones so they are harder to pick up. 4 or 5 of these will be enough to blow the station to pieces."

"Good, I want it in several tiny pieces, enough that they won't know what hit them. I think I'm going to have you and Lottie try and take out the engineering section of the station while Myself, tyl and Lee take out the ops area. Think of a few of these attached to the core will do it?"

"If we stick more than 4 on the core we will take out the station and every ship near it." Martok replied.

"Good, I want to leave as little of that damned cespool intact, I don't want there to be any evidence of us being here so that they don't come after us when everything is said and done." Jones smiled and took a flask out from his coat and two small shot glasses. "Then hopefully we can get back to just chasing lowlifes and doing trade runs." Jones set the glasses down and poured a shot into each.

Martok took one of the glasses, swirled the contents around and smelled it. Then he downed it all in one gulp. "Not bad" he said. "Don't worry Ill make sure theres nothing left to be considered evidence."

"Yeah, not bad at all." Jones took his shot and smiled at Martok. "After this I've got a few leads on bounties that I think we'll follow up on, make ourselves some easy coin." Jones picked up his shot glasses and put them back in his coat. "I'm glad that we've at least got this whole explosion thing covered, the rest should be cake, just killing some cardies." Jones started to head for the door. "Like I said, nothing but cake."

"Should go just fine." Martok said.

"Lets hope so."


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