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Mouth of the Prophets

Posted on Wed May 19th, 2010 @ 3:38am by Walter Jones

407 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Session 3: Fear of the Dark
Location: Bajor
Timeline: 3 days after departure

"Just tell us who they are, and where they were headed and we'll make sure that your pretty face isn't broken too much." The inquisitor stood over the beaten woman who was tied to a chair. "You Trill, think that you are above the rest of us... just because some parasite in you lives for ever."

Shiva looked up with a black eye, and blood trickling down from her nose, "I'm not going to tell you anything. I fear the order more then anything you and your pathetic little priests can do." The woman spit directly in the face of the inquisitor and leaned back slightly trying to loosen the bindings.

"It isn't me that you need to worry about." The inquisitor hit her again with the backside of his hand. "It is the prophets you will need to answer to"

From down the hall two robed men appeared from a side chamber, carrying a large box that had a light glow about it. As it grew closer a low rumbling like thunder echoed through the hall.

Shiva watched as the druids moved closer, something in her started to burn, not of rage, but fear.

"The prophets shall make you talk." The lead opened up the cabinet and produced a small star shaped gem, he stopped and gazed at it for a moment then placed it on Shiva's forehead and grinned wickedly. The star lit up and burned brightly and seemed to sink into her skull.

Shiva let out an agonizing cry as her eyes glazed over and then silence. She sat in directly up in the chair and looked at the inquisitor.

"His name is Jones.... Walter Jones.... On a ship called the Warden... they are headed to a small Klingon planet, the ship is an old Cardassian freighter, Max Warp is 6. Inquisitor, return the Eye..." Shiva collapsed into the chair, broken, limp, and unconscious.

"Find this Jones, return the eye, leave them alive if you want, if not, it matters not." the inquisitor ripped the gem out of the Woman's head and placed it back in the case.

"Lord, what shall we do with the woman." One of the men carrying the case looked at near dead woman.

Quickly drawing a cermonial knife, the inquisitor quickly sliced the knife across the neck of the thief, and watched as the blood slowly leaked out of the wound. "Dispose of the body, and find this scum Jones."


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