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Waking the Captain

Posted on Thu Aug 12th, 2010 @ 12:49am by Morgan Pass & Walter Jones

626 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Session 3: Fear of the Dark
Location: Sick Bay
Timeline: Some hours later

Morgan pulled the Hypo away as Jones eyes flickered open.

"Welcome back, Captain," He said returning the hypo to a rack. The Medical bay was almost unrecognaisable. It had been ordered and sorted with things that had just been left out in easy reach tidied away and drugs placed in their correct positions, etc. On the second bed the Orion woman lay wrapped almost completely in a silver thermal blanket.

"What... umm... what happened to the bitch? Is she dead?" Jones tried to sit up but decided that it was better to lay there for a moment, he turned back to the doctor. "It is a good thing that they captured you, huh?"

Morgan let the last comment pass, "You are probably capable of returning to the command chair, but I would advise against any running or heavy exertion unles syou want to sepnd more time on these, less than comfy, beds. The Orion woman has had some basic antibiotic treatment and I have given her the first dose of liquids. She will need more in the next few hours but the rest of your crew is... reluctant to let me help her."

"Well, we might be able to help her enough to get some information out of her for a bit." Jones tried sitting back up but was connected to an apparatus he didn't even know they had on board. "If anything, patch her up enough to keep her alive, get some info, then dump her with the authorities, or an escape pod on a trade lane.

Morgan stoped, closed his eyes and sighed, "I wish you had said that half an hour ago. It would have been a lot easier to manage. I will... see what I can do."

Morgan returns to Jones to help him up and remove the canula from his wrist, "I don't suppose you have thought about integrating me into ship life, but a room to sleep might be a start. I am on 52 hours now, and I doubt I will be very good to you if I fall asleep while opperating."

"Well, I'm in need of a doctor, we've been without one for a while, and knowing this crew we could always use ones. Scrapes, bruises and what not seem to follow us." Jones smiled at the man. "I can give you a room, and hire you on. I'm not too concerned that they were after you." Jones hopped down onto the deck, his legs were a bit wobbly but otherwise in decent shape. "This is the ship of fourth or fifth chances after all."

Morgan smiled slightly. He wondered if the Captain would be as forgiving if he actually knew WHY he had been taken, "I would like to ask one thing then, Captain Jones. Can we keep my presence a secret from the Federation? They have an unusually high interest in me."

"Not a problem, we only really have contact with one Federation outpost, we mostly stick the outskirts and the trade guilds, besides I might be able to sweet talk a contact into getting you some papers."

"Papers?" Morgan asked, "Oh, yes, I suppose that might help. Now, do you need help getting to the Bridge? I expect my survival chances are greatly increased if I meet the rest of the crew helping the Captain, rather than wandering aimlessly."

"Not right now, I want to head up to that ship and tear it apart for answers. Go ahead and treat the Orion woman. Thanks Doc, I appreciate ya patching me up."

Morgan just nodded. His brain was becoming a grey fog. He hoped he could undo the cocktails he had pumped into the Orion to 'experiment' before she died. Not that he said that alous, obviously.


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