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Patch Job

Posted on Thu Aug 5th, 2010 @ 1:15am by Jan Valentine & Morgan Pass & Walter Jones & Charlotte Ashcroft

1,130 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Session 3: Fear of the Dark
Location: Medical

Jan pulled out the small remote he had acquired from the Orion, who'd been sobbing and clutching her burned hand.

Fiddling with the switches, the subspace charge became visible on the core, then shut off.

"Hmm, should make a nice addition to the collection.." Jan said, prying the grapefruit sized charge and setting it onto a work table.

Jan activated the intercom, "Jones, the explosives have been defused, although I think I might have tortured the Orion pretty severely, I'll bring her to medical if you want." Jan said.

Back in the infirmary Lottie was just about to leave when she here Jan' tone over the intercom. She glanced over to the sleeping form of Walter, then to the critical look from Doctor Pass. Clearly he wasn't impressed with the way his potential patient had become so wounded.

Turning back striding inside medical once more Lottie keyed the comm: "Jones is down. Bring her up, at least we can do is show some passion even if it is a little late."

"Compassion," Pass muttered under his breath. "Never mind."

"Lottie? Well...whatever, I'll be there in a minute." Jan said, scooping up the Orion woman.

"Too bad I can't shove you out an airlock without a suit." Jan said to the Orion, who was barely conscious.

Jan trundled into medical, roughly dropping the Orion onto a bio-bed. He looked over at Lottie, noticing the faint trace of a wound on her cheek, then looked over at an older man he didn't recognize.

"Who are you? A doctor?" Jan asked.

Pass sighed, "No, I am the new crewman who has been hired on because of my charm, good looks, and winning personality. Can you tell me what happened to this one?"

"Well...She's been hit by superheated steam, fell 2 stories and broke her legs...I cracked a couple of her ribs, burned her with a plasma torch, oh, and I broke her hand." Jan said.

Pass didn't seem to react to the list of atrocities performed on the Orion . Whether this was because he, too, had developed a specific dislike for his old captor, or he simply had experience with multiple serious injury, or something else, was not clear.

"Right," he began, "Bones are easy, leave them long enough and they will heal themselves. The steam and plasma burns are a more serious thing."

He attached a series of restraints on the barely conscious woman and then sedated her properly. Then he turned to Jan and Lottie and spoke with clinical dispatch.

"Now that she can't hear us, I need to ask if you are planning on killing her. Consider this triage. If you want her alive and intact, I will do what I can. If you plan to kill her soon I will not waste your feeble resources in repairing the damage done."

Jan looked at Lottie, then back at Morgan, "It's against my judgment, but we're leaving her alive. Patch her up as best you can, meanwhile the others and I will strip her ship to the bare superstructure, and we're going to shove her into an escape pod." Jan said.

Morgan nodded, "You need her stable then, but not fighting fit. I will repair what damage I can. With these serious burns the main risk is infection. If I could have access to your replicator I may be able to produce an effective a antibiotic which will also stimulate bone regrowth. May I suggest you make sure she has plenty of fluids in the escape pod. She is likely to need them."

Morgan didn't wait for an answer. Instead he began cutting away the damaged clothing of the Orion woman to reach her wounds.

"Sounds a bit luxurious in my opinion." Lottie said lowly.

This made Morgan stop. "I don't think I was clear. With antibiotics, rest, and fluids she has a 58% of survival. Without them she is looking at 3-4%. But, I am guessing that really doesn't bother you overly."

"Right, no." Jan said, ignoring the doctor's suggestion. "Just patch the bitch up, and I'll stuff her into an escape pod, if she's lucky it will have an engine in it."

Morgan returned to his work, but now it was just a matter of cutting away the scorched flesh and making sure the woman didn't die suddenly of shock.

"Lottie, how long is Jones going to be out?" Jan asked.

Glancing between Pass and Jones across the room Lottie shook her head stiffly. "Not sure, a few hours maybe a day. But I've been assured he'll live."

Morgan looked over his shoulder, "Him? Pshaw. He has a minor wound and some blood loss. We could wake him now if you insist. I only put him under to stop him trying to get up and run the ship for the next few hours at least."

"No that's alright, let him rest. We don't need him up for now." Jan said.

"Lottie, you can go get some rest if you want, unless you'd like to help steal stuff from the other ship." Jan said.

Morgan watched the pair leave. He turned and checked Jones was unconscious then turned back to the Orion woman. He mixed a quick concoction and woke her. She struggled to speak but no sound came.

"Don't bother. The drugs in your system make speech impossible. You couldn't even scream. You remember I told you that you should kill me or your whole crew would die? You should have believed me. Now, I am supposed to be fixing your burns so they can dump you in a life pod. Chances are you would die slowly and painfully. I am implanting a biometrics recorder into your spine. It will broadcast your condition back to me so that I can monitor your condition. You see I don't get much opportunity to study Orions, and I have a feeling I will need to know something about them."

He began to fill the Hypo again, "This little mix i designed myself. There are fifteen different agents in them. seven are fatal, but the others should have effects much sooner. I should be able to get quite a bit of information."

He injected it into the terrified woman, "I am telling you, because if you DO make it to a safe pick up you will want to get them treated. Four of them are Bio-Genic agents, so it is very likely the Federation doctors will want to know where you contracted them. Sleep well."

Morgan dosed the woman and she passed out again.

He began to clean her wounds with meticulous care and then moved on to picking up and doing an inventory of the Med bay as if the rest of the day had been a normal occurrence for him.


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