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Dropping off the damn thing

Posted on Wed Sep 22nd, 2010 @ 6:29pm by Walter Jones

453 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Session 4: The Humans are Dead...
Location: Klingon Starbase

Jones stepped out of the airlock and immediately proceeded to the rondevu point. The contact for the gem was supposed to meet him at a small bar off of the main terrace and out of sight of most of the customs officials. He only had to get past the dock officer

"Captain Jones, do you have anything to declare to the Klingon Empire." The tall imposing looking Klingon stood before him.

"Yeah, make sure my cargo gets unloaded and there is a targ and a bottle of blood wine in it for you." Jones started to walk off but was stopped by a large hand on his shoulder.

"Are you armed human?" The dock master stared at him

"Come on... what do you think I am, a Federation fool of course I'm armed." Jones walked off as the dock master started to make the appropriate calls for the cargo.

The main deck of the Klingon staton featured many of the typical hallmarks of the empire. Feasting, drinking, fistfights and old songs of honor. Jones saw the small bar and quickly ducked in. He sat down at the back of the bar and ordered a shot. It was hard keeping a low profile when everyone surrounding you was a klingon.

"Do you dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?" A cloaked woman sat down next to Jones.

"Only if the devil is a beautiful woman." Jones smiled as the bartender brought the shot over to him.

"Do you have the Gem Jones?" The woman looked impatient.

"Only if you have my money. The damn thing almost wasn't worth it to be completly honest." Jones slowly reached under the table and grabbed the handle of his pistol.

"Here." she tossed a data padd over to him. "Thumb print and it is yours."

Jones took his free hand and pressed his thumb on the reader. "Before I give this to you, what exactly is it?"

"It is one of a pair of jewel's known as the eyes of the prophet. They are said to be able to communicate directly with the prophets in the celestial temple, but that isn't exactly correct. They are actually conduits to the Pah'Wraiths... they are evil, they overtake anyone who tries to use them. Therefore we can't let them be in the wild. Is that a good enough explanation Mr. Jones?"

"Captain actually." Jones reached in hs pocket and tossed the jewell over the woman.

"I'll be taking my leave. We thank you for your service." The woman stood up and quickly exited the bar. Jones took his shot and looked at the padd she left.

"Crazy women... speaking of which, I wonder what my old friend Malth is doing."


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