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Boarding pass

Posted on Wed Oct 20th, 2010 @ 2:16am by Walter Jones & Morgan Pass

626 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Session 4: The Humans are Dead...

After the run in with his contact and dumping the gem, Jones thoughts turned back to Jan and the pending medical emergency that was upon them. There was only two people he could turn to at the moment to get him into Lagashi space and the supplies he needed. He had already pulled a favor from Akiko, and needed some time to build that up again. Turning to the small console embedded in the table. He punched up a number on the keys and waited for it to connect.

After a few moments, a familiar face appeared on the screen, and Walter shot a large grin to the imposing Klingon woman. He couldn't tell through the normal scowl, but it almost looked like Ambassador Malth was happy to see him.

"Hey darling, did you miss me?"

"Yes," Haqtaj replied, "but my aim has been a bit off. What do you want, Jones?"

"I'm glad to see that spark still in ya, though I would have expected a little bit more, how shall we say lust when you saw me?" Jones smiled at her. "Well in any case, I wanted to let you know that we have indeed made it to Klingon space in more or less one piece."

"Am I supposed to be impressed, or surprised?" Haqtaj asked.

"I would figure a little bit of both really." Jones smiled at her. "In anycase, how about an opportunity to bring more honor to the House of Malth with a business opportunity?"

Haqtaj's face was stonewall, "Klingon Houses rarely see honour through commerce. Why don't you stop trying to engage me nice side, since I don't have one, and tell me what it is you want. I have not forgotten the aid you have provided to my house previously."

"Know much about the Lagashi? Recently admitted into the Federation, they are arguably one of the most technologically advanced species in the quadrant. Now, I could probably weasel my way in claiming trade rights and what not, but since I'm already in Klingon space, I figured it might be nice to have some back up from the house of Malth." Jones looked around as two Klingon warriors started fighting each other. "I'll bring you back something nice."

Haqtaj frowned, "Lagashi? They're the Borg-like, stich-a-computer-to-your-head ones aren't they? All right, you want Matlh backing then you need two things. First, hold the name in reserve. It is not a Free Pass and you might bring attention from a rival house if you heave the name about too much. More importantly, don't do anything that will bring a bad name to my family or you will die at my hand. That is no idle threat."

Haqtaj leaned back from the screen, "As for something nice... did you get the Holoprojectors I asked for?"

"Yeah, about those Holoprojectors..." Jones looked around, he hadn't been able to come across them.

"Then a repacement Batleth. I blew mine up fighting Species 8472. Tell the vendor that you are buying it for House Matlh and get the name of the merchant so I can chase them down if they give you crud."

"Alright, I'll make sure that what I bring you will cut off the heads of thousands of your enemies." Jones smiled at the fairly intimating woman. "You ran into a cricket then? I'm sure it served as a formidable opponent."

Haqtaj shrugged. "It required me to fire a volley of photon torpedoes at myself, blow a hole in the station and destroy my blade. I lsot no people and saved some civilians. It was an interestig fight. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to kidnap a Federation Scientist, steal a shuttle and jump blind through a Borg Transwarp conduit."

The connection went dead.


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