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On a more private note...

Posted on Wed Jun 15th, 2011 @ 6:01pm by Walter Jones & Charlotte Ashcroft & Cab-Cantos Hajj No

558 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Session 5: Rush

(Video Message)
(the video starts with static, and then focuses on a small freighter, with markings from a local bounty hunter group. After about a minute, an internal explosion rips the ship apart. The image freezes, and then cuts to a small bridge, with a single being sitting at the helm. He is covered head to toe in black armor. As he begins to speak, it is clear that this is the same person that sent the voice message to the crew earlier.)

"Ah, yes. Greetings once again. Captain Jones and XO Ashcroft, I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to reiterate my hopes that I meet you in nothing but the best conditions. I'm afraid that I'm not fond of competition, so the hunters that you saw a moment ago will not be the first that meet such a fate. It is unfortunate that such measure becomes necessary, but I would hate for a straggler to manage to breach your defenses before I could speak with you myself. I would also like to reiterate my dedication to escorting you and your crew, unharmed, to meet with those that are so anxious to converse with you. I will do my utmost to ensure that others do not get ahold of you first. This message has been hardcoded with a line that you can contact me with any constructive feedback that you might have. To your continued health."

Lottie blinked at the message before looking over to Jones. "Please tell me you're not going to contact him? It has trap written all over it"

"Yeah, I may be getting old and senile but I'm not going to getting dumber." Jones had brought Lottie into his cabin to view the message away from the rest of the crew. "He seems pretty intent on getting a hold of us though."

(at that moment, a single beep from the console the message was played on is sounded, and a message stating "Tracking Complete"is showing on the screen.)

"Shit love... looks like we've been hacked." He pointed at the screen. "This guy might be serious."

She moved to the screen gripping its sides looking for some way of shutting it down "Can we not stop it?"

Walt looked at the console and gave it a swift kick, scrambling the screen and shutting it down. The smell of burning started emanating from the terminal. "I doubt that it did it in time but maybe he didn't get our full fix. Besides, we'll be gone in a few days onto our next stop hopefully we'll be long gone by then."

"Hmm, maybe. I'll be happier if we shorten our stay just in case. I don't like this one bit."

"Yeah, me neither, not one bit." Jones rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "We are just waiting on our new computer specialist, highly rated. She's meeting us here. She gets another day and then we are gone."

Lottie nodded, "Sooner the better. Though I'd be cautious about this new recruit just in case she's a turncoat."

"The guild vouched for her and she was around before the whole bounty nonsense." Walt looked at Charlotte. "I'm headed over to the station to get a drink." he reached into desk and grabbed a slug thrower and put it into his coat. "I'll be back in a bit."


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