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Business is picking up

Posted on Fri Jun 10th, 2011 @ 2:33pm by Tyl'varas Shrive & Walter Jones

466 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Session 5: Rush

It had been weeks since the last job. And even that one had been about worthless. Finding a lost daughter, that happened to be a targ... A targ of all things? Who pretends that a targ is their daughter?

With resignation, the Chal turned on his screen, and flipped frequencies until he came across the irritating bounty channel. If nothing else, there might be something worth picking up. He certainly wasn't finding work elsewhere at the moment.

A moment later, the show started. and it didn't take long to get Martok's attention.

"WELL HOWDY FOLKS AND WELCOME TO DESPERADO BOUNTY HUNT!! WE'VE GOT SOME FRESH CATCHES FOR YOU TODAY!!" A wide eyed man dressed as a cowboy was sitting on the edge of a fishing hole, pulling up fish and laying them on the dock.

"Finally, something worth watching." Decker leaned back in his chair, the humming of the engines starting to lull him to sleep.

"First up tonight is a new record breaker!! A bounty has just been issued for a freighter crew!!" The cowboy stood up and grabbed one of the fish to read off the side.

"A general bounty has been issued for the crew of the SS Warden! N48E-MC! And boy are ya'll are gonna like this!" He held up the fish to the camera as woman, also dressed as a cowboy walked onto the screen.

Martok stared in amazement. The Warden? And for that kind of money? Associates or not.... That was a lot of money.

"That's right folks! This is a record breaker! These folks are worth a cool 10 Million Bars of Latinum!" The woman's eyes closed in excitement.

"10 Million bars!! That is a lot of fish!!" The male cowboy smiled.

"That's right and there are bonuses for each of the crew!!!"

Martok stared intently on the screen.

"Walter Jones is a bonus of 1 Million Bars!" The male cowboy held up a picture of Walter Jones to the camera, a scraggily looking man, who was nearing 50.

"Yup! and 750,000 for his first mate Charlotte Ashcroft!" The female held up a picture of a younger woman to the camera.

"Be careful though I hear they are going to go down like Bonnie and Clyde!" The man grinned

"The three remaining crew are worth 500,000 bars each! Jan Valentine, Morgan Pass and Bruce Air!!" The woman squealed again as pictures of the other three showed on the screen.

"If interested contact the interlink bounty nodes! Standard information rates apply!! And we'll be right back after this commercial break!" The man smiled into the camera as the shows logo appeared.

Turning off the screen, Martok started an inventory of his impressive collection of weapons, and punched in the comm code for the bounty.

"Sorry Jones, this is just business. And business is picking up."


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