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A pleasure doing business with you.

Posted on Wed Jun 22nd, 2011 @ 6:18am by Dockmaster Smythe & Cab-Cantos Hajj No

683 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Session 5: Rush
Timeline: After the Vulcan incident

"You said you'd pay up when we got here. We're here." The large Orion male held out his skillet-sized hand. And leveled a phaser squarely at Smythe's head. "I would hate to clean up the mess. The smell is horrible when you use stun setting this close."

The Dockmaster rifled through his pockets, producing a handful of strips of latinum. "Here, this is all that I have to my name. You should consider yourself luc..." The Orion moved the phaser firmly against the dockmaster's forehead, and with his other hand, pointed to the latinum peaking out of his pocket. "Fine! I don't need to eat or anything! Damned greenskinned bru...." He trailed off into mumbling obscenities and the like as the Orion turned away, back to unload his slaves.

Smythe grasped in his sausage-like fingers his chronometer, and swore under his breath. "Well, that damned bounty hunter better still be there. I payed good money to get here. I don't give a damn if I'm late. Filthy swindlers." He hastily waddled towards the bar, looking at the outpost walls with disgust.

In the back corner, a lone figure garbed in black waited. He wore a black hood over his face, though Smythe could tell that he was being watched closely. Taking the seat across from the Bounty Hunter, he wiped the sweat off of his brow, and did his best to smile despite his wheezing.

"So, you were the only Bounty Hunter that answered me back about my inquiries. What makes you worth talking to?" The dockmaster rubbed his chubby fingers together. "Do you think you can do the job? I want their heads, well, after I get paid for turning them in. Of course you will get a substantial payday out of this." He waited for a response, but received none. "Hey, I'm talking to you! The least you could do is......." The Bounty hunter pulled back his hood. "" The look on the Dockmaster's face was one of both anger and fear, though more fear than anything. "You.... but... This isn't fair! You swindled me again! I'll... I'll.... call the guild! Yeah! And sue you! You're a fraud! I'll take you for every-" He was abruptly cut off.

The bounty hunter smiled. "You're going to do nothing, fat man. You're going to stand up, turn around, and walk away. You are going to forget that I ever existed. You are going to forget that the Warden ever existed. I don't care about your troubles. If you EVER get so ambitious that you remember those things, I will hunt you down. I will find your friends. Associates. Family. Everyone. And I will wipe them from existence. I will cut off every extremity that you have and feed them to a targ. In front of you. But before you go, I have something to show you. Just to make sure the message sticks."

The bounty hunter pulled his hood back over his face, and pointed towards the bar. There stood a Klingon named K'tokk, well known as a notorious bounty hunter. To each side of him was a thug associate, one being a Gorn, and the other a Nausicann. Reaching under his cloak, the bounty hunter drew a blade, and a disruptor. Within seconds, a blue beam tore across the room, instantly killing the Gorn, and quickly followed by a second shot taking out the Nausican. In a blur of motion, as the Klingon began to draw his weapon, he stopped suddenly, pink blood dripping down his nose, as the bounty hunter's blade had been firmly lodged through the Klingon's skull plate.

Pulling out the blade, he walked back to the table, the patrons of the bar looking back horrified. The Klingon finally dropped to the ground, leaving an expanding puddle of blood. The bounty hunter dropped the blade on the lap of Smythe, making a mess of his clothes. "It's been a pleasure doing business with you once again." And with that, he left. The Dockmaster looked down at his pants, realizing that it wasn't just blood dampening his pants.


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