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New Opportunities

Posted on Sun Mar 4th, 2012 @ 7:41pm by Hank Tasco & Walter Jones

889 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Session 6: Take 5
Location: SB 332
Timeline: Backpost Before Rondo

The station was like one of the many dozen Hank had seen throughout his career, however with the uniform off the atmosphere was different. Things seemed much bleaker and shadier than he ever remembered them being.

Almost worthy of a news article he thought to himself. Then again people don’t like being reminded how shitty their lives are he thought just as quickly.

Brushing past a drunk Klingon smelling of wet targ and alcohol, Hank spotted the bar where his target was supposed to be. For the past week almost like clock-work the target had come into the bar for a drink or two then left half an hour later. With any luck he would be here now.

Entering the bar years of training kicked in naturally, as Hank quickly took in all the customers filtering out the ones that didn’t pose a threat to the ones that possibly did. Spotting his target, Hank would have filed him in the former had he not known all to well about his target.

Probably packing several weapons he thought to himself.

Approaching the target Hank took a seat beside him.

“I’ll have a rye and ginger.” he said to the bartender. “And a Shirley Temple for my friend here,” motioning with his head to the man sitting beside him.

"Thanks for the drink friend, not my usual but ehh, a drink is a drink." He'd been coming to the Flux for a little while now while on the station and this was the first anyone had talked to hiim besides the bartender who was paid to. This new person wanted something. Jones instinctively started to slowly move his hand to the slug thrower that was attached to the lining of his coat while trying to keep cool. "What do I owe the pleasure?"

“Your name came up when I was doing an article on one of your former crewmembers. A one James Miller” Replied Hank as he squeezed the juices out of his lime before dropping it into his drink.

"Ohh.. James, good guy, loved plants. How is he doing lately?" Jones grabbed his drink and took a sip from it. "I haven't heard from him in quite a while.

“I guess you didn’t hear about it then, your old plant boy on a bit of the old ‘herb’ got himself eaten by a giant Venus flytrap he had in his place.” Hank said coolly taking a slip of his drink as he watched for a reaction to the news of the death.

Jones stopped for a moment and thought about a giant plant eating his former crewmember. "I imagine that is how the old guy would want to go out." Jones looked over at the man sitting next to you. "I didn't catch your name by the way."

"Hank Tasco, Action News." He said shaking Walters hand. "Which brings me to why I'm here.... as I said, I was doing an article on Mr. Miller and I happened to run across several personal logs he made about his time on the Warden. These logs certainly paint an interesting picture of life on the Warden, one I believe is worthy of being reported and documented for the readers of Action News."

Jones took his hand off of the slug thrower. "Reporter huh? You understand that most of the people I work with and associate with wouldn't necessarily appreciate having their names and locations published. If you know what I mean." Jones tried to figure out the man standing in front of him. Either he was getting sloppy of this guy was good.
"What did you have in mind?"

"Thats understandable," Hank said finishing his drink, "But names can be changed, such as Captain Walter Jones becoming Captain Robert Forester and no one would know the difference."

Besides...." Trailed off Hank looking around suspiciously for a moment before continuing in a whisper. "People often don't like giving out the truth, so I've learned a few less than legal ways of acquiring it if you catch my drift."

"I catch it, so what is the play, you've obviously have some tracking skills as you've managed to get me cornered here." Jones finally smiled. "Tell you what, I've got the need for a computer specialist, get you on board, you can write your story, but the names are changed to protect the innocent if you catch my drift."

"I think I can manage that, Ive got a bit of knowledge on computers and what not." Hank smiled. "So when do we shove off?"

"Well, the crew will be getting together soon to talk about all of this." Jones took out a piece of paper and started to scribble on it. "Meet me at this address, there will be some people there who might be a little trigger happy so be careful." Jones passed the piece of paper over Hank.

"I think Ill manage." Hank said pocketing the paper, as he stood up. "Until we meet again Walter."

"Sounds great, see you around friend, and I look forward to working with you... ohh and if Lottie shows up, be careful. She often will shoot first and ask questions later."

"Thanks for the heads up." Hank said as he tossed some latinum on the bar to pay for the drinks before leaving.


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