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Posted on Thu Mar 8th, 2012 @ 12:58am by Bruce Air (PNPC)

461 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Session 6: Take 5
Location: Undisclosed bar on Qualor II
Timeline: Specified time

Bruce Air landed heavily. He tried very hard to breath slowly, but his mouth was half full of blood fro his nose. His vision swam and his face felt like it was full of ice needles. He felt strong hands on him and for a moment struggled to get free, lashing out blindly. With some satisfaction he felt his fist connect and heard a grunt from someone as his shoulder was released.

Suddenly a metal plate pressed against his neck and he felt the hypo spray enter his blood stream. Instead of falling instantly asleep however his vision settled and the stabbing in his face subsided.

He became aware of his surroundings. He was in some sort of Medical room with a human orderly rubbing his jaw and a doctor standing over him with a hypospray.

"Mr Air," Morgan said levelly, "If you try and strike out at ME, you will find that I can do some very unfortunate things to your pretty face while you are under anaesthetic."

Bruce tried to smile and answer but was forced to turn on his side and spit out a large gob of blood first.

"Sorry, mate," he replied in his casual 'Strine, "Thought you were the bobbies. Seems like They did a Blind Freddy."

Dr Pass had long ago given up on trying to understand Air's colloquialisms, "We are due to meet the Captain in five minutes, And I find you trying to get your self killed. Please tell me you didn't go and pick a fight in a bar."

"Nah, mate, dikum," Air smiled. "It was a club. And I didn't start the fight."

Morgan sighed and began to repair the damage to Bruce's broken nose, "OF course not. What was her name?"

It was stated as a natural assumption that there would be a woman involved. At least Air had the decency to look embarrassed, "Kara..."

Morgan stopped for a moment, "CAPTAIN Kara, of the IKC F'Tang?"

Air shrugged, "She's cute."

"She's a Klingon HoD!"

"She's all woman," Air managed a grin this time. "Want to keep up good relations with the Klingons. I thought she might like some energetic dancing. We were in the club all of five minutes when some drongo shouts,'Get Down'. 'Course Kara thinks it is an attack and starts wailing into people. They start fighting back."

Morgan switched of the regenerator and packed it back into his bag, "And you were the poor innocent in all this of course. Come one, we need to find the others while I still have some medical supplies left to restock the ship."

Air sat up and his head swum for a moment but he managed to stand and follow the elderly medical scientist out of the small med-room.


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