Future Planning
Posted on Mon Apr 23rd, 2012 @ 9:05pm by Charlotte Ashcroft & Walter Jones
728 words; about a 4 minute read
Session 6: Take 5
Timeline: Current
As people started to disperse and find places to post up for the night, Jones looked at Lottie. "So I see you've been busy since we last met dear, find some nice guy? Probably not as nice as me though I imagine or else you wouldn't be back here."
"Always a charmer," she smirked at his commemt. "He was quite nice, but not the type to hang around you know? I never planned this baby thing, in fact I didn't think he could happen since we'd both had our shots." She sighed shrugging her shoulders then offered a strained smile. "I guess we were both overdue."
"I would guess so, though it doesn't look like it has affected your reflexes much. You almost put a third nostril in our poor reporter there." Jones smiled at her and offered a seat. "You aren't going to need me to go hunt this guy down are you?"
Smirking darkly Lottie took the offered seat gladly: "We'll see," she answered. "So far nothings really been affected save for my apatite I suspect that will change."
"Good, I wouldn't want something to happen to you out there, and I need you to be on your game." Jones sat down next to her. "I like the name Walt for a boy? Good strong name."
"Don't worry I'll be ready for anything," she nodded sombrely. "I don't plan to become attached to the child, it would be a liability to us, besides there are thousands of couples out there that want family more than I. Personally I don't see the point, they all betray you when the time is right."
"Yeah most do, tis the way of life I suppose unfortunately." Walt put a hand on Lottie's shoulder. "If you want, I'm sure I could talk Sheila into watching after the baby. It is a big galaxy, might be someone good to have watch over it."
She turned feeling comforted by Walter's heavy hand upon her shoulder and sense of fatherhood warming her, "Th-thank you," she stuttered. "That would mean a lot, I'm sure she'll be pleased."
"Yeah no sweat dear, you know I want to look out for you. Probably better than having the baby grow up on a freighter with a bunch of cut throats and scallywags huh?"
She nodded, "I wouldn't want him, her, to be like us. It will have the universe at its fingertips it would be unfair to deny them a fair start. Something I never had thanks to my parents, they were Marque, it got them killed leaving me to fend for myself at the age of seven. I was such a tearaway surprised I managed to avoid prison."
"Yeah, I'm there with you. I think our lots are cast but give the little one a shot. Besides Sheila' good, she'll keep the baby out of trouble." Jones stood up and put a few of the plates in the reclamation unit. "And I'll make sure that I keep an eye out for you, I doubt you need it but we all need someone."
A playful grin tweaked her lips. "Thanks Walter, though I am kinda surprised that you and Sheila aren't you know, together?"
"Ehh, long story, she shot me the knee cap once." Jones grabbed the last bottle of booze that Jan had brought and took a swig of it. "I'd offer you one but probably wouldn't be the best. Anyways, she wanted a life that I wasn't prepared to giver her, so occasionally I show up and sleep on her couch."
She watched him knock back the bottle with envy: "You show up to remind her what she's missing you mean?"
"Perhaps, Walter Jones one long train wreck of captain. She's better off anyways, fleet is safer than non fleet and she's got her little girl so it is better off that she doesn't get too tangled up with my lot, I'm surprised she hasn't thrown us all out at this point."
"We'll we'd better behave so not to give her an excuse to do just that," she smirked.
"Alright, you take the couch, I've got a corner I'm going to post up in, I'll see you in the morning love." Walt stood up and smiled at her as he ended into one of the back rooms of the place, leaving Lottie alone in the kitchen.