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Posted on Fri Jun 1st, 2012 @ 4:12am by Walter Jones

257 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Session 6: Take 5
Location: Romulus, Space Port
Timeline: 1 day before Warden Arrival

The crowd gathered around the spaceport ticket office. Several men, women, children all jockeying for a position closer to the front when the announcement came over the loud speaker.

"All flights off planet have been booked and the booking terminal is now closed. Please disperse. Please disperse!" The cold voice boomed over the crowd which had momentarily stopped to hear.

A roar erupted from the assembled crowd as the crowd started to riot. Pieces of rock flew through the air, several of the men started pushing towards the ticket offices, beating on the glass, people into the wall. Cries of pain and agony erupted from the crowd as women were thrown to the ground, trampled from mob of people. Pandemonium was setting in, the crowd knew that if their star exploded, they were dead, and there was no way out.

"You will disperse!" a Romulan officer shouted as he appeared in a shimmer of light, backed by several security officers. The mob stopped, turned their hatred towards the group of security officers and ran at them, pushing more of them to the ground. The security forces held their ground and started firing into the dropping a few of the mob, and effectively scattering most of the crowd leaving several broken and bleeding Romulans on the ground.

"Report" The commander watched as his security forces tended to the injured.

"Sir, we are getting reports of more activity all over the sector. The population is getting jumpy." a voice echoed out over a communicator.

"Continue with dispersant of agitators."


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