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Never a space when you need one

Posted on Fri May 16th, 2014 @ 9:19pm by Jan Valentine

854 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Session 7: Changes
Location: New Bajor
Timeline: current

New Bajor Orbital Control
A blip appeared on the controller's screen. Small craft, fast moving, and unscheduled.

"Computer, scan incoming craft, identify." The bored controller said.

*Scanning, vessel identified. Federation Attack Fighter, Peregrine Class. Registered as an independent courier vessel, name: Foxhound.*

"Owner name? Weapons?" The controller asked, annoyed at the brief report.

*Registered Owner: Valentine, Jan. Weaponry: Dual Phaser cannons, Type 8 Phaser emitters. Current status, Unpowered.*

"What the hell kind of name is Valentine anyway?" The controller said aloud. "Hail the Foxhound."

*Channel Open*

"Courier shuttle Foxhound, state your destination and business."

"This is the Foxhound, my destination is the New Bajor Colony, my business is travel. Request permission to land, docking bay 31." Jan said, transmitting forged credentials. It may have been a new quadrant, but one could never be too careful.

"Docking bays are all booked." The controller said, barely glancing at the transmitted credentials.

"No parking anywhere?" Jan said, annoyed.

"There's open air landing available just outside the docking bay areas, no transportation though, you'd have to walk to reach the terminal." The controller said, amused.

"Fine, permission to land please." Jan said, scanning the area. Docking bay 32, where Walter said to meet up, had an open clearing just beyond the entrance.

"Granted, pay the quartermaster upon arrival, may the prophets guide you." The controller said, closing the channel.

Jan guided the ship in for a smooth entry into the planet's atmosphere, while still a new colony, it's buildings and streets were beautiful to see and teeming with people. From his high altitude, he could just see a trail of flaming debris just outside of town, with several small vehicles surrounding it.

"Hmm, must've been some sort of accident or rookie pilot." Jan thought, visually scanning the ground while monitoring the altitude with his eyepiece. He had modified it several times in the past year, increasing it's functionality and ability to interface with computer systems around him. It currently was displaying a heads up display, not unlike early Jet fighter pilots had back on earth, receiving streaming telemetry from the Foxhound's small but sophisticated onboard computers.

*Incoming Hail* The computer interrupted.

"Open a channel." Jan said, adjusting his altitude and speed for a low altitude cruise.

"This is New Bajor Landing Control, we are currently at capacity for docking bays, where are you intending to land?"

"This is Courier Shuttle Foxhound, I'd like to request landing outside Docking Bay 32 on the tarmac." Jan said, adjusting his vectors, the ship responding nicely even in atmosphere.

"Request Granted, Do you wish remote landing guidance?"

"Negative, I'll bring it in on my own." Jan said, looking ahead for traffic. While busy, most of the air traffic was on the other side of the facility.

"Understood, an official will meet you on the ground for parking fees and refueling requests. Landing Control Out"

Jan slowed the Foxhound's decent, now only 300 meters from the surface, he could just see the short, stocky looking official making his way out to a landing area.

"Kill Forward Momentum, Begin vertical descent." Jan said to the computer, switching off impulse and warp engines, and activating landing gear.

*250 meters*

*100, 100*
Jan flared the thrusters slightly, decreasing his rate of descent.

*50, 40, 30, 20, Retard, Retard* The computer called out.

Jan flared the thrusters one last time, then shut them off, landing on the surface with a light thud and gentle rocking while the landing gear rebounded and stabilized. He quickly shut down all systems and pulled the isolinear chip key out of it's socket.

Stepping out onto the surface, he looked around, it was a calm, almost earthlike day, mildly hot from the tarmac beneath him.

"Welcome to New Bajor, I trust your journey was smooth?" The official asked as he approached.

"Better than that wreck outside of town, any idea what happened?" Jan asked, locking up the hatch to his shuttle.

"Some hotshot pilot with a weird accent came in too hot, tore his shuttle to shreds. I think he survived, but I'm not sure, he rained debris down over a couple kilometers." The official said, gathering up a data padd.

"Interesting. So, how much I owe you for parking out in the styx here?" Jan asked.

"30 strips, deuterium supplies are a bit thin right now, so if you want a refuel it's going to be a bit pricey." The official said, handing Jan the data padd.

"Nah, I'm fine on fuel, took some on before leaving the Alpha Quadrant." Jan said, signing the padd.

"So, where's the nearest bar? After being cooped up in that shuttle for the past couple days, I could use some rest and a drink." Jan said, handing the padd back.

"We have several restaurants and bars in the terminal, I myself do not drink, but the bar on the lower atrium level seems to be popular lately, bit of a hole in the wall so to speak, but is quite nice and away from the crowds." The official said, turning to leave.

"I'll check it out, thank you." Jan said, tossing the man a strip of latinum, which he barely manages to catch and fumbles with it slightly.


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