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Settling in.

Posted on Fri Jul 24th, 2009 @ 3:54pm by Walter Jones & Lieutenant Mnheia t'Llaiir

1,102 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Session One - Jailhouse Rock
Location: t'Llaiir's bunk
Timeline: backpost

Jones had been looking over the communications system, everything was in it's place and was working beautifully. He hadn't had a chance to really talk to Mnheia since she came aboard so he decided to pay her a visit. Leaving the bridge he walked through the industrial looking hallways and corridors of the ship until he got the Mnheia's quarters. Pushing the chime on the door he waited for her to answer.

Sitting at her table, Mnheia was starttled to hear the chime. Turning slowly she got up and walked to the door. Opening it she was again startled to see the captain.

"Captain, sir, is everything alright? Did I forget anything?" said Mnheia with trepidation.

"Ohhh, nothings wrong. I actually wanted to come down and tell you what a great job you've done so far, I'm not picking up random communications from voice recorders on the station anymore." He smiled and Mnheia. "Mind if I come in?"

"Do I mind if you come in? Why no, not at all. I am very glad you approve of my work so far."

At this point Mnheia led the way for the Captain to enter her room. Pointing to a utilitairian looking table she indicated that the captain should sit.

"Can I get you some tea? Vulcan tea perhaps?" inquired Mnheia when she saw the captain sit.

"Ummm, sure, I'll try some." Walter smiled at Mnheia as she went about getting him the tea."

"This gives me a perfect chance, Captain to ask you something that has been on my mind recently. I am very happy with this crew. It is more relaxed that a Starfleet crew and I believe can work well together. My concern is my position. I can understand why you would need a communication specialist on this trip.....but a science specialist? I am a bit lost on the bridge to say the least. After all, science is my primary specialty and I was wondering....why am I here?"

Jones thought for a moment before replying. "Well, first let me say you are very talented at what you do, I've been able to get a hold of your records. Don't ask me how.. but I did." He gave her a quirky little smile. "There are going to be jobs where we are going to need someone trained in the finer arts of scientific study, deduction as well as being able to uncover things that I don't think anyone else in the crew is going to be able to do. That is why you are here. Also for your communications and computer background. You've already shown that you are quite handy at reprogramming things." Jones smiled at her and took a sip of his tea. "I know this is quite a bit different then what you are used to, we aren't exactly starfleet, well we are probably the furthest thing from it to be honest."

"I have no problem with you being 'different then Starfleet'. In fact, the lack of military proticol, well I kind of enjoy not having to salute everyone every few seconds! If you feel you will need me, then I will wait for the times that you do need me. It just seemed for a while that you did not need someone like me on what seemed to basically be only a transport ship."

"No, we are going to definitely going to need you. I've gotten a lead on a some science runs that we are going to need someone trained on. The next job we are taking hopefully is one that we are going to need to get some samples from a planet and bring them back for some new medical research or something. The problem is they are of a certain type of.." Jones stopped for a minute to think about what the word is. "Genus? Is that what I'm thinking of? I don't know." Jones laughed a little bit. "That is why I need someone smarter around here then I am."

"I have found that my close association with humans has made me more sensitive to emotions so if I don't fall into your category of 'what a Vulcan should be like', I apologize. I am trying to be more like a human and less like a Vulcan is thought to be....emotionless."

"It is refreshing to be honest. I like having someone around that I don't have to worry about stabbing me in the back at every little turn." Walter smiled at t'Llaiir. "I was a little leary about taking a Vulcan with us but I am happy that we have you along. I knew this Vulcan once that "logically" tried to think he way through everything. I understand and appreciate logic, creates good business sense but a lot of times emotion, compassion and such is just as important as cold calculating logic."

"So what am I getting at?" The captain took another sip of his tea. "I'm happy that you are here and I wouldn't want to trade you for anyone else. For this job here, just help us with the communications and computer ops and next mission we'll get you in on some science and exploration jobs."

"I too appreciate honesty. I only hope that all the members of the crew can learn to treat me as honestly as you just have. Now, please, tell me about the mission that you feel you will need me on," replied Mnheia."

"Well, the planet that they are on is largely unexplored except for a highclass federation resort colony. The area the plants are in is a somewhat restricted area, we are going to have to sneak in to get the samples while the rest of the crew goes to the colony to pick up some items. I'll need you to help me determine what items to collect based on the scientific data that the doctor gives us. Knowing me I'll probably just bring him back dasies and wild flowers."

Mnheia snickered at 'dasies and wild flowers' but tried at the same time to make is seem as if she was not laughing at the captain.

"If you would like me to determine what items to collect, then I suggest you and I go over the data and then beam down to the planet asap!"

"Ok sounds good, the planet is actually are next stop, part of the crew is going to go and pick up our prisoner, while you and I and maybe another crew member are going to go on this flower picking expedition". Jones smiled at her. "Should be easy peasy."


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