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The Fine Print...

Posted on Thu Jul 23rd, 2009 @ 2:32am by Tyl'varas Shrive & Charlotte Ashcroft & Martok

773 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Session One - Jailhouse Rock
Location: Cargo Bay 2
Timeline: Present

Tyl'varas headed towards Cargo Bay 2 with both Lottie and Martok in tow. Once the door sealed, he turned around, and took a long, hard look towards the other two. "As I'm sure you're assuming, there is much more to this mission than meets the eye. The captain is already aware of what most of this entails, but we are giving the rest of the crew plausible denability. I've already procured the tools necessary for this operation, but I need capable, battle hardened soldiers to achieve the desired results. Before I continue, can I count both of you in? I'm not even going to mention the cost of duplicity in this."

"As long as you pay me I will do as you ask." Martok said flatly.

Lottie resisted the urge to snort at the bluntness of the response but she knew if Martok hadn't said she would have. Eventually.
"I didn't come on this boat just to sit idle," her tone was just as level as the hybrid. "Nor did I come here to babysit, but yes I'm in."

"Good to hear. Here are the real details of what is going on. We're liberating a prisoner. We will need to disable the prison ship, and insert both of you to pick up our objective. The reason that this cannot be divulged to the crew proper is due to the Federation presence amongst it. I've picked up a few items that should come in handy. Namely a communications jamming device, and also an EMP charge. I'm sure that you have more than enough armaments to be able to take care of business on a personal level. The prison ship thinks that it is rendezvousing with the SS Virtuous. We have transponders that will fool them long enough to get close. I leave the method of insertion up to you. You will have disposal of any of our shuttles to ease this mission. When you have chosen the shuttle, let the captain know. I'll send a full report on the target to your personal datapads so that you can know what to expect."

Shrive looked at Martok directly. "What discretion that you can use, I urge you to do so. These prisoners are expected by the Federation. Don't leave evidence, and most of all, keep death to a minimum. The charges of which we would incur are already growing at a steady rate. It needs no extra prodding. Understood?"

"I'm not just a killing machine. I can use tact and discretion." Martok replied. "Killing just happens to be a favorite pastime of mine."

Resisting the urdge to roll her eyes at the sarcastic reply Lottie nodded to Shrive. "This prisoner have a name?" She inquired, "What makes him so inportant?"

"His name is Park Stamir. He's currently a wanted fugitive from the Federation. I served with him before, back during my stint with the Federation. Why he is important is of no concern, other than a load of latinum says he is important. Let me be frank with you. This mission puts us seriously at risk of drawing the ire of the Federation, which could prove problematic. As much as I would like to avoid casualties, I'm not thinking that will be a reasonable outcome. We would do best to pin this onto something else. Possibly one of the Syndicates."

'No one has blamed the Orions for anything in awhile." Martok said.

Shrive looked at the two, and smiled. "I wouldn't have asked you two to be part of this if I didn't think you had the ability to make this work. This is going into a morally gray area for most pinkskins. The vulcan is going to be distracted during the duration of this outing. The last thing we need is for her to report something that will compromise the entire crew. Hence the reason for keeping this under wraps. Do you two have any questions regarding this mission, or are we prepared to go?"

"No, that will do." Lottie answered having heard enough to fill in the gaps. Her sense of morality had faded years ago so this was not an issue for her. The Vulcan crewmen should she cry wolf on them would simply disappear without hesitation. Why she was here was still a puzzle but not one Lottie would spend much time trying to solve. As long as the two of them were able to re-frame from banging heads and retaining their words Lottie would ignore her.

Martok stood there in silent agreement with Lottie.

The Andorian nodded, and then turned towards the corridor. "Let's get ready. We've got work to do."


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