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Heading out.

Posted on Wed Jul 22nd, 2009 @ 1:56am by Walter Jones

244 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Session One - Jailhouse Rock
Location: Bridge
Timeline: Current

"That will be 15 slips." The bartender looked at Jones expectantly.

"Whatever" He tossed the money on the bar and walked out. Walter headed back to the port where the Warden was docked at. Looking through the glass near the dock, the ship looked wonderful. His crew had done a wonderful job getting her going. When he had first seen her, she was little more then a floating wreck. Even the hatch sealed properly now and with the extra shuttles that his team had "aquired" she was pretty much ready to go.

Jones walked through the ship and up one of the ladders. Some of the crew was milling about, eating, having a good laugh and sleeping. Stepping on to the main bridge, no one us uo there but all the equipment was active. He stepped over to the comm panel and pushed the internal speaker system.

"Hey everyone this is you captain speaking, make sure everything is stowed and ready to go, we are leaving the station in 20 minutes, make sure you have everything you need and get ready to go!" Jones clicked off the speaker and walked over to the captains chair and started his preflight check list.

OOC: Ok everyone, I know we've had a few days off but let's get started on the mission. Mr. Shrive is moving right now so his connection is a bit dicey so we'll get this going without him until he can get on.


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