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The boost

Posted on Wed Sep 9th, 2009 @ 3:58am by Walter Jones & Charlotte Ashcroft & Charlotte Ashcroft & Charlotte Ashcroft & Martok & Max Sainexs

1,150 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Session One - Jailhouse Rock
Location: Space


The transport ship dropped out of warp, they had reached their designated point for transport. The captain of the ship looked over to the comm officer. "Send out the communication, hopefully this goes as smooth as he have done it before." The comm officer typed in a few commands and transmitted the subspace frequency to announce they where there and waiting.

Martok was sitting at the OPs station, his panel went off when they picked up the comm frequency from the transport. "Comm frequency picked up. Transport is at scheduled location" he reported.

"At least thats a bonus, saves us trawling after it," Ashcroft retored sliding up the window to peer at the mammoth vessel moving into veiw. "Nice and simple now Brian, the sooner this is over the better."

The Drake finally showed up on the sensors of the prison ship. The pilot his his comm butoon, "Transport 1 get ready for docking procedures. We are ready to transport the prisoners." The prison ship slowly did a 180 in space and activated the docking routines. The guards went back to the hold and unlocked the two Prisoners.

"Heh... you ladies wake up... time to go." The guards snorted as he laughed, disengaging the magnetic locks on the harnesses that the two prisoners were wearing. "Your ride to eternity is here" The small contingent of guards held their phaser rifles at point blank range, pointed directly at the prisoners.

Max growled seeing the weapon at point blank range of him "You really want to aim that at me?" he asked

"Would you rather have me put it in your back?" The guard pushed him and Park towards the docking port door. "I'm just glad you'll be out of here, smelling up my ship."

Park looked over at Max and whispered, "We'll be out of here soon if all goes according to plan, then perhaps we can throw a few of these guards out of the airlock.

"Is that a promise?" He said with a grunge and looked at the guards "The only smell you are smelling is yourself"

Outside the hull of the shuttle from the Warden drew in closer and with a swift signal to Ashcroft and Martok they stood ready at the airlock as the two ships connected with a soft thump.

Flashing her colleague a cool smile Charlotte lead the way aboard with her weapon raised and loosed the first shot into the guard at the door followed by the one behind before either could raise an alarm.

Martok followed Charlotte out of the air lock, he was carrying a disruptor pistol in each hand. He headed to the left towards the Prisoners, killing a guard along the way.

Park looked at the two figures walking and smiled at them then turned and looked at the Max "I told you that I had backup coming." He smiled then turned looked at Charlotte, "I didn't know that our saviors were going to be hot."

"Save the flirting for later," Lottie smirked tapping the man's behind to move him forward into the shuttle.

In the front of the ship the one of the guards decided to walk back and check on how the transport was going, when he saw the two guards on the ground and the prison break taking place. He unholstered his phaser and sent a round flying over the heads of the crew standing in the door. He hit his com badge. "WE'VE GOT TROUBLE!"

Martok heard the guard scream and shot him "Don't worry we wont have any trouble from him."

Lottie flashed him a dark glare as the lighting in the shuttle darkend as the security systems began to activate. Beyond the locking bulkheads the team could hear the sounds of pounding feet.

"That's our cue," Lottie nudged the prisoner again with the barrel of her weapon. "Spin up the wrap we'll heading out!" She shouted to the pilot hudded in the Warden's shuttle.

"Here, help me get these cuffs off, and bring Max here, I've seen him work he'll be good for us." Park nudged the cuffs towards Charlotte.

With a quick move the cuffs come off from Max's hands with a well aimed blow from Lottie. Max rubed his hands in releif "Finally....Harris I will see you soon" he smiled and clocked guards pouring into the area.

The guards had trained for instances such as this, they normally transported high value prisoners, and someone was always trying to get at them. There were two ways into the loading dock, and the 5 guards that were now descending upon the group had taken up positions in the hallways waiting for the security locks to fire. The captain yelled around the corner while readying a flash grenade. "IF YOU SURRENDER NOW! I MIGHT LET YOU LIVE!"

The captain looked at the two others with him and nodded reading their stun phasers.

"Oh for damn sake" Max saw the weapon next the guards and jumped at it. He rolled over, graped the phaser setting it to heavy stun. He aimed his phaser and fired twice shooting two guards down as he then takes cover behind some metal "Go!" he yelled.

Max had little business with the escape crew, yet he knew that they saw him as a value asset to the crew. He could use that crew to get back to the galaxy and take his revenge upon Rear Admiral Harris, the person that destroyed his pirate vessel and his future. The painful memories brought up made his fist almost bleed "AHHH"

He stood up and shot another guard as the guards fired back at him, he walked slowly towards the Warden crew "Throw the grenade Captain....just do it"

Bewildered by the suicide actions on the prisoners Lottie shook her head with frustration. They were suppose to be escaping back to the shuttle then onto the Warden but here they were antagonizing the guards to return fire. She felt the hairs upon the back of her neck rise with unease as if they were being drawn into a trap. After all the guards were trained to deal with break like this, but then again so was she and Martok. No, that wasn't right they were paid to do so not trained.

Martok twirled around so his back faced everyone else but his guns faced the second entrance into the room. He fired two shots each one killing a guard and then waited for another one to appear.

"Don't shoot! Just get out of here! This job isn't worth dying in here." The guard left his position and ran towards the front of the shuttle.

Park looked at his saviors and Max. "Perhaps now would be a good time to make our escape, what do you think?"

"Nows as good a time as any." Martok said.

Max nodded and enter his escape "Lets go then"



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