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Danger Zone

Posted on Mon Dec 7th, 2009 @ 7:28am by Max Sainexs & Walter Jones

719 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Session Two - Space Junk
Location: Bridge/Captains Room
Timeline: -

It was for sure that this was going to be a danger mission and Max sticking his head into it was not helping for the crew of the Warden. He was wanted and was better served on a dish with only his head towards the Gorn. Max wanted to talk with Jones for a possible Klingon backup as he enters the bridge looking for the captain he blinks and saw Jones "Walter can we speak?"

"Sure I've got some time, what is going on?" Jones looked at Max wondering what he could possibly be asking about. He noticed that he was a bit shaken up about the prospect of going to the Gorns.

"Well you know that the Gorn would eat me for breakfast right?" Max replied

"They wouldn't hesitate eating any of us for breakfast, I've heard stories from old freighter captains that ran afoul of the gorn. Said that they ate their crew, saved the body parts for snacks on long voyages." Jones walked out of the bridge and over to his "Office" a storage room just outside of the bridge that he had converted to an office. "Take a seat. I'll tell you, I'm a little worried about this, I think that if everything goes well we'll be ok, we'll have them so confused they won't know what to do when they chase us."

"I can arrange some klingons to protect our ass" Max pointed out "We are after all entering a zone we do want to survive"

Jones leaned back in his chair for a minute. "Speed and stealth are going to need to be on ourside for this mission. The report I got from the feds is that the Convoy's are going to be escorted by Gorn and Tholian ships, and no doubt they are going to be in the area of the station." He paused for a moment, "What kind of Klingons are we talking about here? I hope I don't owe them any money." He smiled at Max trying to make a joke.

"I have no idea of any of the Warden are in debt of the House of Kor, but they are in favor of myself when I was in service of the Klingon Emprie" Max replied "When a ship is lost and filed by the federation, you can always count on missing information"

Max blinks "I would not be surprise if the Federation are using us as a blanco card. If we die or do something wrong, they can wipe their hands clean like most of the time they like to do"

"Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if that is what they are planning to due... plausible deniability and all that." Jones reached over and grabbed a sluggo-cola from the fridge and tossed one to max and grabbed another for himself. "So what did you have in mind?"

Catch the bottle and took a sip of it "Simple, get 3 bird of preys from Kor and let them watch our backs in cloak" Max shrugs looking at the cola "Damn bad taste ....I like it"

"Yeah, the Ferrengi know how to make swil and charge twice the normal amount for it." Jones took another sip of his drink. "So for these klingons, what would the require in payment for their services? Glory for the empire? Or do they owe you a favor?"

"Well knowing Kor, he wants 21% from each ship he deploys towards us" Max shrugs "But I can lower that to 10%, thats about 30% in total. If it is to much we can go down to 20% and use two bird of preys" it was a hard price, yet for their own safety it was a good price"

Jones leaned back and thought about it, having some Birds of Prey to back them up if the shit hit the wall. "Alright, get a hold of them, I'll hire two of them, keep this on the down low. Try and get them to 18% and offer them salvage rights on anything they destroy. What house are these Klingons from?"

"House of Kor" like Max already said a few times " I will try to get 18% out of them"

"Sounds good Max." Jones extended his hand to him. "I'm glad I've got you on board mate."

Max nodded and left the office "Just doing my job"


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