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Sneaking around

Posted on Sun Dec 6th, 2009 @ 3:15pm by Lee Pierce

423 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Session Two - Space Junk
Location: Crew quarters
Timeline: Current

Lee left the sickbay when the Federation ship landed on the bay. She headed ton the cargo to have a look around but she didn't make her presence known. Lee knew better than hang around starfleet officers. She was an Orion pirate in their eyes after all, not to mention her father was wanted for desertion. Good thing, he had changed his name or just being aboard a federation base would be complicated.

The green skinned woman watched the starfleet people unloading some equipment from a catwalk above the cargo area for a few seconds. The group didn't look please being aboard the Warden and Lee found herself offended. How dare they to come aboard and make faces like that? The Warden was a great ship. It wasn't fancy and obnoxious like the federation vessels. Lee muttered a curse in Orion and slowly made her way out of the cargo area. She couldn't stand watching those snotty people in the ship.

The nurse went to the crew quarters and was glad to see the corridors empty. She needed to give Shrive his gift without the Andorian being actually there to receive it. Lee wasn't sure he'd like the gift and she wasn't in the mood to be bad mouthed by the Warden's first officer yet again. Thankfully, Shrive was busy elsewhere.

Lee tried to make into the first officer room but her breaking and entering abilities were not really that sharp. "Hmm, now that's not good," she muttered under her breath realizing she would have to give the gift directly to Shrive or leave it at his quarters' door.

"Such a difficult call," she remarked to herself with a light chuckle. The orion nurse placed the small package carefully in front of his door and hoped for Shrive to see it before anyone else. The green bow wrapped around the package would be hard to explain.

Lee laughed quietly and started off back to the sickbay. She hoped Shrive would like the small bottle of Andorian ale she managed to buy at the starbase. The dealer said the ale was really good - from a traditional brand or good year. Whatever. Lee didn't understand much about the beverage but the dealer assured her that any Andorian with taste would appreciate the quality of the liquid. Lee was usually good at noticing when people was lying to her and she believed the dealer.

Hopefully, Shrive would like it but if he didn' wasn't like he could dislike her more than he already did.


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