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Where do you want this crap?

Posted on Fri Dec 4th, 2009 @ 5:01am by Walter Jones & Hank Tasco & Jan Valentine & Tyl'varas Shrive & Kyle Bowman

774 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Session Two - Space Junk
Location: Cargo bay/shuttlebay

The federation shuttle landed in the bay with a slight thud and powered down the engines. A small contingent of engineers got out of the shuttle and looked around the bay with a disgusted look on their face. Most of them had never seen any kind of "Non federation standard equipment." and where afraid to touch anything. The leader, who had a Lieutenant pips on, looked back at his crew.

"Start unloading this stuff, I'll see if I can find someone in charge around here."

"Who the hell are you?" Jan said, coming out from a bulkhead behind the lieutenant.

"If you're looking for someone in charge, you found one. Jan, Chief Engineer."

"Lieutenant Brisban, I've been ordered to bring this equipment over and assist you in installing it for the upcoming mission." The lieutenant got a slightly disgusted look on his face as he handed a data padd over to Jan. "We have shield generators, structural integrity fields generators, upgraded long and short range sensors as well as some spare parts."

There was a clang on a nearby stairwell and Kyle’s feet came down the stairs "Jan, heads up, we've got dome Starfleet tight asses coming over to..." The rest of Kyle appeared down the stairs, stopping as he noticed the federation had already arrived. "Never mind." He smiled, making his way into the Shuttle bay proper, noticing the Lieutenant for the first time, "A lieutenant, what a surprise. For what do we owe a visit from a high ranking dignitary such as you?" He asked cheekily.

"Boy, the rats come out from all over on this hulk, we might need to cut her up to get rid of them all." The lieutenant turned back as a large piece of sensor was grav lifted out of the shuttle. "I must have screwed up pretty bad if I was sent to work out this hot mess of a ship. Where do you want to start first?"

More clangs came from the steps. Shrive made his way down towards Kyle and Jan.

"You got anything to patch up the power grid?" Jan said.

"We can arrange it, I'll have to take a look at the systems and see what we can bring over, if we don't have it on the station we could probably replicate something to do the job." The lieutenant looked at the men who were standing before him. "Look, I know we don't trust each other, but let's try and just get this done as painlessly as possible."

Shrive walked over to Jan, and whispered, "If he installs something that you do not approve of... Let me know to come pick up the body."

"If there's anything left of it.." Jan said.

Jan walked over to the lieutenant, "Hey Lt, you got anyone good with electronics? I've been working on installing a new console on the bridge, but I can't get it operational." Jan asked.

"Bowen can probably do it, we usually give him the crap that none of the rest can get going." The Lieutenant turned towards a Bolian who was carrying some plasma conduits. "Petty Officer Bowen, you are being reassigned to chief engineer here. Don't give him any crap." Brisban turned back to Jan. "He should be able to get it going. What else you guys need." He looked at the Andorian who's antenna where twitching.

"Preferably a new ship, seeing as that's not gonna happen....get some people on the power grid." Jan said.

"Oh, and get someone in the warp core, the antimatter containment fields are giving out, and the coolant system pipes are leaking into the sewage system." Jan said, heading towards the stairs.

Brisban looked at the engineers and pointed at three of them. "Start work on the grid, I'll take the rest of you guys down to the core to figure out why the sewage system is staying cooler then the warp core, and Bert, take a look and see if they need help with any of those shuttlecraft." Brisban grabbed his took kit and started to head off towards the core with 4 engineers in tow.

"Dan Bowes is my name, Chief Petty Officer, what kind of problems you having with this console." The Bolian stuck his hand out to Jan. "I can fix pretty much anything."

Jan briefly shook the man's hand. "Well, I swapped out an aging bajoran console for a klingon console. It came out of a similar ship, so it fit into the deck pretty well, but the power and control lines are another matter..." Jan said.

"I'll see what I can do, lead the way." Dan said.



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