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Passing time.

Posted on Thu Dec 3rd, 2009 @ 11:03pm by Lee Pierce

366 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Session Two - Space Junk
Location: Warden Sickbay
Timeline: Current/after New Job, New problems

After returning from her wanderings at the Starbase, Lee began to stock the few supplies she was able to purchase. She had used most of the money she got after the last job in these supplies. Lee didn't think she had been that useful to the crew during the job but she got paid anyways and it was only fair she used the payment in benefit of the crew itself.

She was sitting on the ground facing the storage room and cataloging the supplies she bought. There weren't many of them. Medical supplies were usually expensive in the black market. Lee was no 'doctor' and therefore she couldn't legally buy anything from an official supply office. The fake nursing documentation she had allowed her to purchased a couple items but never the good stuff. The green skinned nurse was forced to buy less items by a higher price but at least it was useful things.

Lee registered all the supplies into the computer and pulled herself up to stored them in the their places. It didn't take long to complete that task. Happy with the way the shelves were organized, Lee turned around and walked back to her station. Her hand hovered the small package sitting on the station.

It was gift. She had bought a gift to Shrive. The Andorian XO hated her, Lee knew that quite well but he had been nice presenting her with the Klingon Bat'leth. It was polite to return his kindness...or whatever the Andorians called the action of giving people presents. She could tell Shrive she didn't have to fornicate to pay for the present. He'd be happy with that.

Lee grinned at herself. She could be really silly at times but her behavior helped her ignore some dark thoughts current filled her mind. The new job the captain had mentioned sounded...tricky. Lee didn't like the idea of working for the feds, much less risking her neck for them but the captain seemed to think the payment was good. He was the boss. If he wanted this job, she would do it.

But right now, she had to wrap that gift with a big bow, a green one.


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