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New Job, New problems

Posted on Fri Nov 27th, 2009 @ 8:27pm by Walter Jones & Charlotte Ashcroft & Hank Tasco & Jan Valentine & Kyle Bowman & Tyl'varas Shrive & Sky Summers & Martok & Lee Pierce & Max Sainexs

1,521 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Interlude - SB 611
Location: SS Warden Bridge


Jones had come back early, the meeting with the fleeters on the holo-suite had opened up a great opportunity to fleece the fleet. He knew that most of the crew had a problem or history with federation and some of them might have a bit of problem with this, but it would put food on the table. He had sent a message to everyone and had hoped that everyone would show up and not be sitting in the brig right now. Jones took his seat in the captains chair and waited for everyone to show up.

A panel in the floor popped up, and slid to one side. Jan crawled out from underneath the deck, covered in grime and sweat.

"What's going on Cap'n?" Jan asked.

"Didn't know that crawlspace was there, that might be useful." Jones smiled and offered a hand. "I think we have some bread coming our way, but I want to run it past you guys first."

"Sounds interesting, I'll wait for everyone else to get here before I start asking questions." Jan said, disconnecting wires leading to the navigation console.

Shrive came in quietly, and took his seat.

"What is so interesting that needed my attention?" Max replied and enter the bridge "Because I was in the middle of some....stuff"

Martok's large form strode into the Warden's command center. "What's the urgent matter? I was having fun." he said gruffly.

Lottie arrived next looking a little flushed and flung herself into the nearst seat to catch back her breath.

Finally Kyle arrived, lexurating in quietly to sit at the healm quietly whilst the rest of the crew arrived.
tag any

"Alright, I've managed to land us a new job, and due to the nature of it, I wanted to talk to you guys first and and decide if we want to take it. It is going to utilize everyone's talents and abilities and it is going to make us a nice chunk of coin." Jones looked at the assembled crew, he was about to drop something on them that not many people knew about.

"So what's the story?" Jan said.

"The jist of the job is that the Gorns, Tholians and a Rebel faction of Cardassians are building up an invasion force, and they have been shipping their supplies using older Cardassian Freighters, like our old girl here. They are taking it to a station orbiting a moon or something behind their lines. What the our job will be is haul a load of cargo in this caravan to see what they are carrying, dock with the station, infiltrate their computers, get any kind of information we can by any means, cause general havoc and then get out. If the station happens to blow up or a lot cardassians end up dead, no skin off our back." Jones paused for a moment to let everything he said sink in. "The feds have promised us immunity for anything that happens on this mission, so anything that happens we will not be held accountable, unless we are captured of course... then we'll probably be tortured and killed in a best case scenario."

"I dont like working with the Feds, but if the pay is good and we get to kill some Cardys then Im all up for it." Martok said. He had lost several friends to Cardassian ships during the war and was always eager to get back at them.

"As long as I don't have to meet any feds face to face I can manage. Gives me an excuse to try out my new toy." Jan said.

"Payment for this includes ship upgrades for us, compliments of the feds, as well as a hefty payment, half up front, half after the mission. I reckon it is going to be around 2500 bars total." Jones looked at everyone and tried to guage their reactions.

Now having recovered her breath Lottie stared mouth open slightly in shock. Of all the things Jones could cook up this was the most bizarre and downright suicidal she had heard of. The fact that the Federation was actually paying them for their services was even more strange. She shivered involutely.
The price was enormous but would that be enough to buy their courage?
It was enough to gain hers. "Count me in Captain." she called.

Kyle smiled, "Sounds like fun, I always enjoy high stakes flying."

"When do we get the new stuff? I'm interested in what they'll be giving us." Jan said.

"Sounds reckless and dangerous. You can count me in." Miller said with a grin.

"Alright, well it sounds like everyone is in agreement, we've got a few more things to take care of here on the station. I'm not going to lie guys, this is going to dangerous. But this our chance to not only stick our thumb into the eye of the Cardies, but the Federation too." Jones looked at everyone. "Anyone have any questions?"

Shrive pondered for a moment, then said, "Yes. First of all, are we planning on assigning someone to install discreet monitoring systems to check up on our Federation 'installers'? Second, how long should we wait until we remove the tracking systems that they'll inevitably install? And last but certainly not least, who do we kill when the Federation pinkskins inevitably backstab us?"

"I was going to have have Lottie try and keep tabs on them while they are here installing some things. She is probably the most discreet of the bunch of us. Tyl, I'd have you do it but I'm afraid that you'd probably kill someone." Jones smiled at Tyl "I've actually got a different job for you that we'll talk about in a bit."

Tyl'Varas narrowed his eyes a bit. "This should be interesting."

Lottie looked up at the sound of her name feeling a touch of pride that he had so much trust in her. "Thank you Captain, but what about Sky?"

"I've got a different job for Sky, she's going to be the one that is going to get us into the Caravan, her and I have a meeting with the group that is negotiating the trade rights on this. Hopefully with her good graces, it should go off without a hitch." Jones smiled, he liked it when a plan came together.

Lottie noded as she glance over to Sky. She didn't seem to react as if this had already been arranged betwenn the two of them.

"As for the Feds backstabbing us, the Jury is still out on that. I think they may hold up their end of the bargain, but any information that we gain on this I'm going to make sure that it is encrypted, we'll give it to them in two pieces so that we'll make sure that we are away before we givethem the rest of it."

"Alright guys, anything else?"

"One" the attention all focus on Max that stood against the wall "What is the safety catch?" he blinks seeings that no one got a clue what he said "We are entering enemy lands here folks, we are just a cargo vessel that enter the area of the Gorn"

Max experiences with the Gorn was not pretty and knew for a fact that these warriors would eat the Warden as a candy "Who is protecting our ass when it go's wrong?"

"Good question, I've got some favors to pull in from the guild as well as with the syndicate, that should keep us safe, even the Gorns know better then to mess with a member of the trade guild and syndicate, that is until the jig is up and we've blown the station to hell." Jones paused for a moment to let everyone think about it. "And with the new defensive systems that Mr. Valentine is installing and what we are taking from the feds we should stand a pretty good fighting chance to get ourselves out. Once we are away we just need to get back to Federation space and we'll be home free."

"Also, I may have a... I believe you pinkskins refer to it as 'an ace in the hole'."

"Then you're gonna have to survive another few days without plumbing or electricity to the lower decks." Jan said, tired.

"Understood, make sure you take some breaks, and if you need help, grab Tyl, James or Kyle, we need to ship out in a week or so. Plumbing or not."

Kyle let out a reflexive laugh, thinging the captain was joking.

"A week? You're serious?" Jan said.

"Unfortunately I am, that is when the next convoy is shipping out, and we need to be in it. I can hire some mechanics to come aboard for a bit to help but we have to be in that shipment or else it is all going to unravel. Let's just hope the ship doesn't at the same time." Jones looked at everyone. "Get any kind of last minute things we need, weapons, supplies, whatever." Jones watched as everyone shuffled out of the bridge, he hoped they weren't getting in over their heads.


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