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Across the Water

Posted on Fri Nov 27th, 2009 @ 7:06pm by Walter Jones

628 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Session Two - Space Junk
Location: Cestus Sector/Gorn Side of Border Relay Station Alpha 7
Timeline: Current

Park Stamir sat in the rundown ops area of the relay station twirling a coin on his knuckles. A stray light caught the shiny side on the face, casting the occasional stray across the side of his head. Down in the engineering out pit an unseemly combination of races, Cardassians and Gorns working side by side and only occasionally getting in each others face. It had been almost a month since he had been broken out of jail by his old friend Shrive, and since then, things had turned out wonderfully. He had been brought in as a "consultant" to a Cadassian Movement known as the "Purifiers" a group of breakaway Cardassians that had allied themselves with the Gorns and Tholians to sow an beautiful path of chaos across space. With his contacts and knowledge of the seedier parts of the quadrant he had proved invaluable in their efforts.

"Park, we didn't pay for you to get broken out of jail, just so you can lounge around here." A rather ill tempered Cardassian commander walked through the door and over to the chair that Stamir was sitting in. "We paid good money, and so far we have nothing to show for our investment."

"Shut your ridged nosed ass up. I've done more in the couple weeks I've been here then your entire movement has managed to do since it's inception. I've got plants on their bases, I've got weapons coming in from the Delta Quadrant, communications relays hacked and contacts in the major trade guilds shipping our supplies unharrassed. Don't you dare assume I'm doing nothing, or else that pretty face of yours will be nothing but a smear on my boot." Stamir threw the coin at the commander and hit him in the chest. "Hell if it wasn't for me, your damn little faction would be nothing more then a little boys club."

The Cardassian was silent, as much as he hated to admit it, he was right, the movement had grown considerably in power over the last month, due to the man sitting in the chair. Even taking on a Federation Starship, hopefully soon, Cestus would be the birth of a new Cardassian empire. No longer would they feel the shame of the entire Alpha Quadrants boot down on their necks. First Cestus, then then the rest of the quadrant. "How long before we can stage from here?"

"We've got another shipment of goods coming in about two weeks from now. Harmless looking contents but combined, they will create a deionizer that we can dump in the atmosphere of a planet and strip it away in a matter of hours, of course, we should only need to use it once to prove a point but I think it was a nice touch considering the name of this little club." Stamir lept out of the chair he was sitting in. "There have been reports of some increased Federation activity, but I'm sure that we will be able to take care of them, they wouldn't risk open war though, the feds are weak and timid, I know, I was able to take over one of their ships. They can't stand to fight, nothing but scientists and mud farmers." Stamir looked at the Cardassian commander standing in front f him. "I want to make that for all of my troubles here, I'm going to be well compensated... a nice little M class moon perhaps."

The commander looked at Stamir and scowled. "Let's make sure that your little chemistry project actually does what you say it will."

"It will be one of the most violent and blood curdling things you'll ever witness commander. It will be beautiful. Nothing can beat the music of billions of voices screaming in unison!"



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