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Like a thief in the night...

Posted on Thu Apr 15th, 2010 @ 4:22am by Walter Jones

494 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Session 3: Fear of the Dark
Location: Temple of the Prophets... Dena
Timeline: 2 Weeks prior

The small shuttle craft screamed into the upper atmosphere of Dena. She hoped that coming in so fast would mask the craft as a meteorite. Coming in over top of the drop zone, she kicked open the shuttle door and jumped. Plummeting like a stone down through the thin atmosphere towards the target, Shiva could feel the friction on the jumpsuit as the ground raced closer and closer to her.

Just as the small temple was within sight, she pulled the ripcord on her parachute and gracefully floated down onto the roof. Cutting loose, she stood for a moment observing the situation and smiled. So far everything had been going according to plan. Pulling the hood from her head, Shiva let her hair flow down her back and swiftly moved down the roof to one of the large windows that lined the side of the temple.

"Why do I have to work the late shift again?" The guard looked at the other man in the control room and then shrugged. "I swear the prophets are dead set against me ever getting a good night's worth of sleep."

"Just shut up and keep your eyes open." The guard in the control room panned the internal scanners over to the eye of the prophet, the relic that was enshrined in a large crystalline case. "Sure is pretty isn't it?"

"Yeah I suppose so. Do you really think that it does what they say it can?"

"Who knows that is not for us to know or que--"

As the guard was finishing his sentence, Shiva burst through the window in a shower of glass and phaser fire. In an instant, both of the guards were vaporized as she quickly moved to the case with the eye. Producing from inside of her suit a small tool kit, the thief had quickly set to work opening the case when a blaring alarm sounded.

"Shit, I thought I'd have a bit more time." Standing straight up, she pointed her phaser at the case and adjusted the frequency. As she fired, the crystal started to shake and made a high pitched noise, then suddenly shattered in a cloud of crystal shards. From the next room the sounds of guards could be heard approaching. Shiva grabbed the Eye and stuck it into her jump suit as a phaser round flew past her head.

"See ya later boys." Ducking behind the case, she tossed a plasma grenade towards the men, activated the small transporter beacon on her wrist, and in a moment was gone in a shimmer of light.

Back on her small shuttle, the woman quickly sat down at the controls and pointed the nose of the small craft towards the sky. She exited the atmosphere in a streak of ionized air. "I'm getting sloppy, maybe I need a vacation," she muttered to herself, typing co-ordinates into the computer. The small craft's engines warmed up and propelled it into warp.



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