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Hot hands

Posted on Tue Apr 20th, 2010 @ 2:53am by Walter Jones

617 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Session 3: Fear of the Dark
Location: Cargo Bay SB-611
Timeline: 2 Weeks prior meeting

Jones sat on a box, reading over the latest news from the net when a hooded figure walked in and the lights in the bay went dark. Calmly Walter picked up the plasma rifle next to him and flicked on the sensor. Slowly scanning the bay he knew that the person was still in here, and based on the flair that they entered with he had a good idea who it was. "Look, I'm getting too old for this shit..."

"And it shows old man." The sound of a charged phaser whined behind his ear.

Jones sighed and put the rifle down. "You aren't a spring chicken either my dear." Computer turn the damn lights back on.

"Computer, Illuminate." the lights in the bay came rose to about 50% and the hooded figure hopped up onto the one of the cargo boxes and smiled. Pulling the hood off revealed a stunning Trill woman. "Long time no see"

"Don't you still owe me some money?" Jones crossed his arms and looked at the woman.

"You haven't seen me in 5 years and that is the first thing that you can think of is some ridiculous debt that really isn't a debt at all really, I mean that shuttle was a death trap anyways." Shiva bounded down off the box and stood next to him. "Besides, didn't you say that you were going to forgive that?"

"No I was going to forgive the bar tab on Theta 12, the destruction of property on Muniz and that cargo that I had to dump because of a random inspection. That shuttle was near and dear to my heart."

"Ohh get over it, besides the pay from this small job will buy that damn shuttle three times over." Shiva looked up at him and gave a toothy grin. "Do you want to see it?"

"Might as well." Jones held out his hand as the thief produced a small artifact from her coat.

"It is called the Eye of the Prophets, they say it can tame the hearts of the evil, cure the sick, and drive penitent men insane. They say they can see through it, like a disembodied well, eye." She carefully unfolded the black cloth from around it.

"You don't believe any of that do you?" Jones carefully picked up the gem and looked at the intricate designs of the jewels. "It looks like a star."

"Well yeah, I suppose, my patrons are expecting that in a few weeks. You've got some time but make sure that it makes it in one piece. I shouldn't have to tell you but it is priceless." Shiva pulled the hood back over her head.

"If it is priceless then how about kicking in another 1500 bars, considering that this thing is likely to suck out my soul." Jones held the star up.

"1500??" The shock in her voice turned to annoyance. "You'll get the agreed 2500, not a slip more."

"What a shame, I guess the feds would love to know that I found this.. the reward would be a nice bit of change, especially for information leading to the arrest of.."

"Fine... 3750, and you drop the damn thing about the shuttle"

"Alright, it is settled... then." Jones bundled up the eye and put it in his coat pocket.

"It was good seeing you again Walter. Computer De-Luminate" the lights went back out and only the light footsteps of Shiva running out of the cargo room could be heard.

"Damn it... lights" the lights came back on and he was once again alone in the cargo bay. "Well at least I got some more out of her." Jones shrugged and walked back towards the airlock that lead to the Warden.


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