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Long night at warp

Posted on Wed May 5th, 2010 @ 3:02pm by Walter Jones & Charlotte Ashcroft & Jan Valentine & Kyle Bowman & B'Eloria House of Tarrf & Tyl'varas Shrive & Martok & T'ali Alaya'an

2,410 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Session 3: Fear of the Dark
Location: Warp


Jones sat on the bridge with his feet up listening to some of the latest Radio Free Subspace music coming out of the Antares sector and decided to try and get a hold of some of the other crew that were rooting out the targs. He picked up the ship intercom and called out to the rest of the crew. "You guys been able to catch any of them yet?

"Martok here. I've managed to catch one of them so far. I'm putting him in the pin now."

"Good one down like 50 to go huh? Maybe we should have just eaten them huh?" Jones laughted a little bit then heard some crashing coming from the kitchen. He got up and picked his head out. And saw Tali run through one of the corridors.

"God damn stupid targ," T'ali spat at the creature as it chased her into the mess hall. She jumped up onto a table and tapped her comm, "you sure we cant just shoot these things captain," she said as it rain out another door. She let out a moan and followed it quickly

"Yeah no, each of those Targs are worth like 20 bars a piece." Jones laughed a little bit. At least it was some kind of fun. Jones went and sat back down and looked at Kyle. "Good thing you have to fly this thing huh?"

Kyle gave a grin as he turned to look at the captain "Well, of course, if I could I would [i]rush[/i] to my shipmates aid, but unfortunately navigating this area of space is just too important for me to miss." He said trying to restrain a laugh as he heard the bangs and squeals coming from all over the ship.

"Yeah well," T'ali said poking her head around a corner, " lucky you didn't give me a gun cause this Targ is really getting on my nerves," suddenly T'ali got the distinct feeling that someone was behind her but when she turned around there was nothing. She shrugged it off but a few moments later she saw something out of the corner of her eye dart around a corner and it didn't look like a Targ. She inhaled deeply through her nose and squinted using her ocular implants to see if she could spot something out of the ordinary but there was nothing and all she could smell was Targ.

"Is anyone else on deck two near the mess hall," she said tapping her comm.

Stomping down the corridor, Shrive came through with a furious look on his face. "I am going to shoot every damn one of these vermin! They knocked over the case of ale! Every one of the damned bottles, broken! Jones! I'm not a shell-head zookeeper!"

"Uh, now that someone mentions it...can someone open panel 452 Alpha in the deck 2 corridor ceiling? I can't get out of this damn crawl space! Fucking Bajorans must of designed these crawl ways for midgets they're so small." Jan said, thoroughly annoyed.

T'ali brushed off her long black body length coat and peered over her shoulder one more time, "On my way Mr Valentine," she said walking towards his position but it wasn't what she hoped for. She was sure someone passed by her or something yet she couldn't detect anything. She still couldn't remember much but she had dreams about hunting people, and animals on city planets to jungle planets. She figured she must be some sort of tracker but everything was still so foggy. She came across 425 and just stood there looking at it as she was not tall enough to reach it. She searched for a bit and found some sort of bin and dragged it under panel and pressed the release button but nothing happened. After a few minutes of fighting with the controls she lost her temper.

"Stupid thing," she said hitting it with the palm of her hand and to her surprise it came loose and fell, "Son of a," she said jumping out of the way then she saw a Targ running down the hall. She let out an audible sigh picked up the bin and threw it at the Targ hitting it dead on.

"Oh shit," she said wincing thinking of how the captain would reprimand her but it suddenly turned and began to run at her, "oh shit," she said again but this time almost shouting it. She jumped and grabbed the open panel and hung there for a moment while the targ charged past before seeing something out of the corner of her eye again dart around the corner.

"Wont get away from me this time," she said sprinting after it but she turned the corner and met a dead end, "what the hell," she whispered to herself.

"God fucking damnit Ta'li! You opened the wrong panel!" Jan said, seeing the opening more than 2 feet ahead of him.

Kyle looked up from the controls "Err, I don't mean to alarm anyone but the Targs seem to have hit something sensitive, the warp feild seemes to be fluxuating slighlty, unless Jan screwed up."

"You know what I think Mr Valentine is still having his little party in the roof," T'ali said stepping into the turbo lift, "I'm heading down to deck 9, to look along the lower ships spine".

"Don't even!" Jan said, forcing himself forward.

Jan reached the opening, and started to crawl out, but slipped and fell face first to the deck. After a few moments, Jan slowly got up, his nose broken.

"Gah Phuck, not again." Jan said.

B'Eloria lay on the floor in her quarters. Between becoming acclimated to the new ship and the ruckus outside in the corridors, she drifted restlessly in and out of sleep. The bed was too soft, the floor too hard even for her Klingon sensibilities.

A thump sounded just outside her door. B'Eloria sat up straight, rage filling her chest. "petaQ!" She charged into the corridor, running headlong into a targ. She nearly tripped, but regained her balance and watched as the creature squealed down the hallway. B'Eloria frowned as she saw crew members careening down the hall after the targ.

"Kyle, you said the warp field is fluctuating?" Jan said, holding a greasy rag over his nose.

"Yea, I think it's something to do with the warp transfer conduits, one of those Targ have probably chewed through an optronic relay." the pilot said down the comm.

"If that's the case, then we get to enjoy some barbecue tonight, I'll run a bypass, somewhere.." Jan said, heading for engineering.

Martok had been watching his prey, waiting silently while perched in a ceiling corner. When the targ ran past he jumped down and stunned it with his boot. "Got another one" he said into his comm unit.

While her colleagues chased or used brute force to subdue the Targs Lottie was taking a more logical approach. With the asstant of the stack of information in the rather unreibale computer data bank she had created a tranquilzer that could be adminstrated with a fire arm.
So, in thus making Targ catching much easier or at least in theory.

Jones leaned back in his chair, taking a sip of coffee. Everything was going well for once minus the Targs escaping until something shook the ship violently, knocking him out of his chair and face first on the ground.

Martok had been perched in the ceiling again when the ship rocked. He was violently thrown forward and down to the deck. He rolled over just in time to dodge an angry tossed around targ.

Jan was climbing down the stairs to main engineering when the ship shook violently, causing him to slip and tumble down the stairs, landing for the second time on his face.

"Gahh! Sometimes...I think you hate me." Jan said to the ship, slightly delirious.

Beloe deck Lottie, with her body tense, her finger bent of the trigger of her tranquilzer stood posied to fire until with a shocking force the ship tremped violently causing both herself and the Targ to loose their balance.

In the nano second she wobbled her weapon discharged followed by a sharp sting in her right arm and an overpowering desire to sleep.
Howerver the tumbling wasn't over quite yet.

As Lottie slumped feeling blackness creep into her eyes she began to sense danger closeby. Groggily she rose upon her elbows only to see the Targ, enraged by the unsteady ship and the truth that Lottie had come to harm it was now racing toward her!

"Oh..." she mouthed gropping for something to defend herself with while her body batttled with the affects of her own sedative. There! Her fingers clawed to tug the pistol from its holster with the Targ bearing down upon her, but she couldn't free it - now she really could see the whites of its eyes.

With a yelp she rolled to avoid the snapping teeth only to be greeting by snarls and howls that seemed to be dissapearing into the a void. Jerking back round, feverishly rubbing her eyes Lottie stared at the missing section in the fall of the gangway in which the Targ had trumbled through falling somewhere below.

Pulling himself off the ground, Jones looked out the window and saw the fall out of Warp, the inertial dampeners struggling to keep everything from flying forward. "Is everyone ok? Give me some kind of report." Walter looked over at Kyle. "What the hell just happened?"

Exhausted Lottie slumped heavily reaching for her badge in earnest relying back to Jones: "In need of a stimulate but otherwise alright." she said thickly feeling her body relaxing and her eyes rolling closed. "Gonna sleep now..."

"That’s just the field fluctuating captain, until Jan gets it fixed we're if for a few more of those." Kyle said, concentrating hard on his helm controls.

The lights started to flicker and then turned off, a few of the emergency lights came on but for the most part the bridge was an inky black. The wailing of the Targs could be heard storming through the ship.

"Walt! We got problems!" Jan shouted, struggling to reach the warp core console. Jan read the alerts, but they weren't telling him what was wrong exactly, until a coolant pipe blew up on the side of the reactor.

"Oh fuck....not again." Jan said to himself, remembering the last warp core disaster he faced. Fortunately the Warden, as haphazardly built as it was, still had a few more safeties built into it. Jan sprinted for a wall covered in valve handles. He turned a large red one until it clicked, and the coolant leak in the pipe was contained.

"Walt, the primary coolant pipe has exploded! I've bypassed the main circulation, but the spike in the reactor has shot the temperature way beyond limit. We're gonna have to decrease speed and vent plasma from the nacelles to cool the reactor down to normal levels, the secondary system just can't cool the reactor fast enough on its own." Jan said.

T'ali touched her head lightly feeling the warm sensation of blood when suddenly all the lights went out.

"Why did I stay aboard this ship," she grumbled to herself. She was on the lower ships spine and no emergency lights came on. She found a wall sat down back up again the wall shut her eyes and just waited, she couldn't see but she could smell and hear. After a while she slipped into a light sleep.

T'ali watched the man in a pure white coat entering data into his computer. She didnt know how long she had been asleep. Everything was white, it was so disorientating. She tried to move but found herself bound my the ankles and wrists, when she went to speak she realized her mouth was covered by some sort of leather strap.

She began to thrash and attempted to shout but all she could muster was some muffled moans. The man turned and looked at her, she couldn't see his face behind his black screened helmet. She watched her for a few moments before nodding and T'ali realized she wasn't alone in the room. She suddenly felt a strap pass over her for head and some sort of metallic object came down and forced her eyes open. She tried to scream as needles got shockingly close to her eyes but there was nothing she could do. She felt the needles enter he pupils and release some sort of fluid with she felt pass through both of her eyes then into her head then came the darkness.

Then next thing she new she was awake but couldn't see anything.

"Subject 0 has undergone Ocular manipulation," he said in a surprisingly warm voice. The agony she must have felt when the needles entered her eyes would have been beyond death, I'm surprised she is still alive".

He seemed to realize she was awake and began unwrapping what seemed like a bandage from around her eyes. When she opened them the light so was bright it made her head pound.

"Reduce lighting," the man said softly and suddenly the entire room went dark but when she opened her eyes she could see rather well. Everything had a tinge of blue but she could see.

"Night vision implants have been successful," the man said, "continue with the implants," T'ali screamed as the metallic object came down again.

"are you sure this is right," the man with the warm voice said, "she's only a chi".

T'ali awoke in a cold sweat and to her surprise she could see, exactly how it was in her dream. She sat their for a moment shivering at the thought of the memory, that was something she never wanted to remember.

Another alarm blared, accompanied by the distant sounds of groaning metal. Jan ran back to a console, and discovered another problem.

"Walt, we have another problem, our hull integrity has dropped to 40%!" Jan said, seeing the unsealed hull breaches on the Warden schematic flashing red.

"Kyle see what you can do from here." Walter rushed back towards the back of the ship looking for Jan to see what he could do to help.

Kyle nodded, more to himself then to the captain, and set to work trying to keep the flying heap flying.



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