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Finding the Women in Her

Posted on Sat Jul 4th, 2009 @ 9:42pm by Sky Summers & Charlotte Ashcroft

722 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Session One - Jailhouse Rock

Skys arms were full of fabric and small viles of scented oils and other colorful or pleasent things, this was the last load she had to carry trhough the Warden and into her new home, shuttle two, or as it was now named, New Dawn.

As she climbed through the final airlock into the main of the ship and stumbled on the lip of the door. Several curses left her mouth as she toppled to the floor, all the fabric and oils skittering in all directions and her light pink gown flaied like the pettles of a flower.
"Damn it!"

Charlotte couldn't help by snicker at the amuseing sight, but gathered up the objects closest to her, fingering the rich fabrics gently folding them neartly before offering a hand to the fallen woman.

"Thank you", Sky said as she started to climb back to her feet. "I need to remeber about Cardassian Achetecture and how they put lips at the foot of every door".
She brushed down her gown before gather up the rest of the items that had been cast irratically to the floor.

"After a fall like that, I'm sure you won't forget." Lottie passed over a scent bottle having replaced the cork and taken a whiff and the sweet liquid inside. She couldn't help but study this woman a little closer. She was glamorous, far too prim and proper to be on a ship like this.
The richness of the dresses and sweetness of the scents were exotic to Lottie senses, acting like a drug to link back to her previously repressed feminine side.
"These are beautiful," she commented running her fingers over the fabric she had collected. "They must have cost you something precious."

"They certainly did", the fabric in particular was genuine Rigelian silk. "Would you mind helping me get these to my shuttle?"
She didn't think that Lottie would mind if it gave her the chance to see what she was doing with the fine fabrics and other exotic items.

"Of course," Lottie answered taking an armful of objects from the other woman.

"So whats your job on this little boat?" Sky asked wondering how someone so young and sweet in appearance would fit into this bundle of misfits and rouges.

"I'm Lottie, the weapons expert," Charlotte answered straight faced tipping her head to one side lip twitching at the unexpected reaction that normally followed.

The journey through the small Cargo Ship did't take a great amount of time, and the conversation between the two women was pleasent and open. As they both stepped through the doorway into Sky's new home and placed her boxes down, she looked over at Lottie and studied her features. "You know, if you wore your hair down it would make you look less washed out".
Sky moved towards Lottie and pulled her hair free with a gentle move. "There much better".

Shaking her hair free Lottie smiled weakly. "Washed out?" she echoed. "Do I really look like that?" She watched as the other woman moved around the room with even delicate strides. "What's your name?" She asked.

Moving around the small chamber in the shuttle, and moving a packing crate from one of the chairs, she allowed Lottie to take a seat. "I'm Sky Summers from Risa", again on the move, she went over to the small wall mounted replicator. "Would you like anything?"

"Water will be fine, thanks." Lottie watched Sky with interst. She hadn't met many women like her before espcailly not in her direct line of work, the men however were more famlair of course. The aura Sky possessed was warm and gentle, something Lottie should have expected from a Compaion but she found herself enjoying the company regardless.

Returning back to the replicator she ordered herself a glass of some tropical fruit juice, and water for Lottie.
"Do you want me to have a look at your hair for you?"

"Does it really look that bad?" Lottie cringed. "I've lived freight all my life, I don't know what to do with it other then wash it and tie it away. Could you help teach me?"

With a gentle smile, Sky moved around the small compartment. "Of course". Slowly she closed the hatch, cutting the outside of from the lavish world that is now Sky's new home.


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