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Hold on one moment...

Posted on Mon Nov 29th, 2010 @ 2:38am by Charlotte Ashcroft & Walter Jones

500 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Session 4: The Humans are Dead...

"I want a word with you Jones!" Lottie reached out and took a firm hold of Walters shoulder as he continued to walk away his mind still occupied with the loading and repairs to the Warden.

"Chase, who the hell? I guess talking this over with me didn't compute? As if our boat of misfits wasn't enough, you go and hire another, and judging by the would the doc fixed he's a wanted man too."

"First of all love." Jones said spinning around to look at Lottie "He was bleeding out in the cargo hold, I brought him on board so that he didn't die in front of me." If it had been anyone else, Jones probably would of have decked them in the face.

"I didn't know you could be so chartable," Lottie responded crossing her arms as Jones went on.

"Secondly I was having him come down for an interview and was going to have you talk to him. He just happened to be chased down by some people before he got here. If I had a bar of latinum for every time I was wanted or got chased down I wouldn't have to run cargo anymore." Jones looked at her. Something about her made him not want to be angry. He should have told her he had sent them a message, but in the short time since there wasn't much time. "With Martok and Tyl taking off for a bit we need some extra firepower around here, and he seemed like a decent guy from his record."

At least now she understood better, it didn't stop her from being angry with him all the same. "Alright, fine. I want to see this 'record' just next time at least let me know you were recruiting. If it was me in the hold I properly would have shot him or booted him off the ship."

"Yeah, you may be right in the end." Jones looked at her then leaned up against the bulkhead. "I figure everyone needs a second chance ya know." He took a cigarette out of his coat and offered one to the woman standing across from him. "We'll see I guess."

She sighed taking the stick from him while he lit them both. "I suppose you wouldn't have me or any of the others if you hadn't given us a second chance." She took a slow drag, exhailing the smoke and watching it spiral for a moment. "I never thanked you, so erm, thanks. Who knows where I would have ended up if you hadn't taken me on."

"Don't mention it sweetie, I'm glad I took you on too." Jones blew a smoke ring into the air. "Just keep an eye on him for me K?"

"I'll keep both eyes on him," she assured. Signaling a thanks for the cigarette she took her leave to ensure everything was stowed before departure.

Jones watched her leave, shook his head then headed off to make some final preparations.


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