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Payment and post mortum

Posted on Wed Mar 30th, 2011 @ 5:40pm by Walter Jones & Jan Valentine & Charlotte Ashcroft & Morgan Pass

1,043 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Session 4: The Humans are Dead...
Location: Bridge

Jones finished scanning the ship for bugs. He had crawled through all of the lower holds, inspected all of the cargo that they had taken on, and ran scans on all of the different frequencies that he could think and found nothing. If park was following them, he couldn't figure it out.

Climbing up the forward ladder, Jones pushed open the hatch near the back of the bridge and pulled himself up.

"How we doing Bruce? Making good time?" Jones plopped down in his chair and rubbed his eyes and face. It had been a long, long day.

Bruce pulled his feet guiltily off the console, "Yes, si... Jones. Though I have basically just done a retrace path. If you were hoping to get somewhere specific, you might need to tell me so I can alter course. Right now we are just making as much distance as we can."

Bruce glanced at the captain, as if considering to ask a question, "By the way. Did you know this ship has a shuttle?"

"Yeah, I should have given you a proper tour, we have 3 shuttles, we've got the Drake, a Kangaroo Class and a Sliptream. Normally it isn't practical to take the whole ship in somewhere. We've got those down there so that if we need some extra mobility, we've got it." Jones looked over some charts and produced a piece of paper from his coat. "Take us here, it is a guild mining outpost. We'll be safe there for now till we figure out what is going on."

"Walt, I've scanned every bulkhead and conduit, if Parker has a tracking device on board, I highly doubt it." Jan said, reading the tech manuals on his eyepiece.

"I wouldn't sound too sure if I were you," Lottie said as she entered the bridge behind them limping slghtly in each stride.

"Well looks like we are all a little bit more banged up after this job." He looked over at Lottie who seemed patched up but limping. "How is that eye working out Jan?"

"Well enough, it'll take a while to fully integrate with it, but I can already see different light wavelengths, infrared, and I'm learning to use the targeting reticule feature. What I don't get is why the fuck Park is still alive, didn't you guys kill him? Even if you didn't, no one escaped the station being vaporized." Jan said.

"I thought we killed that bastard, I saw the phaser round disintegrate his face." Jones started waxing philosophical, "We need a vacation." Jones tossed a data padd over to Jan. "Pretty descent haul from this last job, considering it was bread and food items. 80 Bars each."

Jan thumbed the padd, and set it aside. "Not bad, wonder if we'll ever get to do another run through here." Jan said.

"Hopefully, I can see a lot of opportunity for trade, their floating cities in orbit seem to be more along our lines of work than the planet itself." Jones looked around at everyone sitting on the bridge. "Lottie you ok?"

She'd been reading the padd passed across from Jan before imprinting her thumb on the reader and nodded at Jones question. "Yeah I'm alright," she answered sounded distracted. "The Doc says the leg should heal in a couple of days."

"We'll talk after this real quick. Speaking of which where is Doc, I haven't seen him since we came back on the ship." Jones looked around and then at Bruce and shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm here, Walter," Pass arrived on cue, "and I said Lottie's leg would heal if she kept OFF it for a few days. That lasted all of twenty minutes. Is there someone else you need stitched? I don't do clothes alterations."

Lottie roller her eyes at Pass' chiding.

"Alright, well now that we are all here. We are headed to a mining outpost operated by some independents I know. They'll take care of us till we can get an idea of what we want next. Overall, since no one..." Jones stopped for a moment... "Where is Chase, did he not make it back?"

"He stayed behind to cover our escape. He's either hiding out in some bar or has gotten religious." Jan said.

"Alright, well maybe he'll show up, until then I'll split his share among everyone else. He didn't leave any kind of forwarding for his money." Jones tapped on he console and made the adjustments.

"Judging by the racket that was going on downstairs, I bet that guy will coming knocking sooner or later." Jan said.

"Properly," Lottie added quietly

"Ok, any questions? We should be there in a few days. We'll figure out what we are going to do next." Jones slumped back in his chair and looked at everyone.

Air smirked, "Can I tinker with your shuttles?"

"Depends I suppose, what do you want to do to them." Jones gave Air a suspicious look.

Air tried unsuccessfully to look innocent, "I dunno yet. That's what tinker means. Tweak here, test drive their..."

"Run your tweaks by me first, otherwise go ahead, I rarely touch the shuttles. The Warden is more than enough of a handful to keep flying." Jan said

Morgan shook his head, "I doubt it. I am going through less medical supplies than I expected, so we are fairly adequately stocked. I might use the time to run some computer simulations. Jan what specs and processor time can you spare me?"

"As long as you don't ask the computer to solve to the last digit of pi...I can give you about 30% of the computer's power, enough to do some detailed simulations. Just make sure to save often, the system is a bit buggy, I'm still trying to integrate some starfleet isolinear chips into the computer core to boost the processing power."

"Nice," Morgan answered, though it was unclear form his tone if he was being sarcastic, and about what he was commenting. Still he asked nothing more for the moment.

"Just wake me when we arrive," Lottie muttered stifling a yawn. "I think those painkillers you gave me Pass are making me tired."

Morgan suppressed a grin. There was more than one way to get someone to rest for a few hours.


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