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Highly Illogical pt.2

Posted on Fri Jun 10th, 2011 @ 3:15am by Cab-Cantos Hajj No & Lieutenant Mnheia t'Llaiir

283 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Session 5: Rush

With a raised eyebrow, Mnheia t'Llaiir prepared herself for a fight. Crouching behind the flight seat, she grabbed for her phaser, and raised it to meet the hatch. After waiting for a number of minutes, lights came on around the hatch, and it opened, immediately losing power afterwards.

Through the darkness of the unlit cabin, she saw a black mass of a person come through. She lined up her shot, and triggered the phaser... only for it to produce nothing but a blinking red light. The power cell was depleted. She reached for the weapon that was at the dead Ferengi's side, but pulled back as a bolt of blue energy struck the Ferengi's weapon, reducing it to smoldering junk. "Tsk Tsk. Perhaps I did not make myself clear, though it is possible that you missed your training on morse coding at the time of your starfleet training." Mnheia had a look on her face that looked almost like a scowl. The figure then said, "Oh. I apologize. That must be a sore spot. How insensitive of me to forget that you lost your commission due to your interactions with the SS Warden!"

"I can think of no other reason for you to be out in this sector, except to take part in the bounty that has been posted upon your old friends. Perhaps you can assist me, then. That is, as long as I do not have to worry about you taking any more failed attempts at assailing me. It is logical, yes?" Mnheia thought for a moment, and then nodded her head, and dropped the useless phaser onto the deck.

"Good. A quick question. You have been given zero-G training, yes?"


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