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Posted on Sat Jul 4th, 2009 @ 7:33am by Martok

254 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Session One - Jailhouse Rock

Martok drug the anti grav lift full of all his belongings onto the Warden. It was smaller than his last ship, but more solidly built. He wasn't a major fan of the Cardassian design, but could get used to it. His room was on deck 2 along with the rest of the crew. He had a standard size room for a ship this size. He began to unload the lift and then unpack the crates. He put his clothes, what little he had, in his closet. Then he set up his armor holders and assembled the different sets of armor he had onto them. He had multipurpose armor that had interchangeable pieces for urban, jungle and winter combat. He also had an orbital drop suit, for when transporters and shuttles wouldn't work. He then began to unload his weapons crates. He had numerous weapons. A t-16 sniper rifle, one of the last remaining projectile weapons in the Federation. He also had numerous Romulan rifles and multiple Klingon disruptor pistols. He also had numerous blades from all over the quadrants. He mounted a bat'leth over his desk and put a set of twin Romulan short swords next to his bed. After about 30 more minutes he had finished unloading all of his weapons and armor and other gadgets, grenades,tri corders and numerous other gadgets he used in his trade.

After that Martok went to the galley and got a quick snack before heading back to his quarters for some rest. he had had a long day.


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