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Time To Collect

Posted on Tue Aug 23rd, 2011 @ 6:48am by James Sullivan

560 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Session 5: Rush
Location: Deep Space Four, The 2&2 Lounge

The 2&2 Lounge, Deep Space Four's premier locale for drinks, music, and a good time. And tonight, James Rocco Sullivan was the music.

"Hey Rocky, play 'Freetarg'!" Someone yelled from across the room.

"Yeah, go play your mother." Rocky replied. Some of the people closer to the stage laughed, and Rocky continued to play. All of the sudden, people started to scream and run away from the stage. His playing couldn't be the problem, what..

A very disgruntled, and inebriated Klingon was charging towards the stage, disruptor pointed right at Rocky.

'Great,' he thought. 'I just told a Klingon to go play his mother.'

Rocky dived off the stage and ran for the bar, all the while stray disruptor bolts were flying past him. Finally behind the bar, breathing heavily he looked behind the bar and saw the bartender cowering just like him. Rocky thought for a quick second and reached for his disruptor.

"You're kidding right?" The bartender asked.


"You couldn't hit the broad side of a warp nacelle! at point blank range!"

Rocky sighed. "You're right. Dammit." He looked around behind the bar and tried to find something to defend himself with. He found a bottle of Saurian brandy and smiled. He reached for his blaster again.

He quickly looked to see where the Klingon was. Luckily the Klingon was still drunk, and as such, was shooting all over the lounge at not particular target.

Rocky chucked the bottle of Saurian brandy and it crashed on the floor near the Klingon. The Klingon looked down and then back at the bar, very puzzled. Rocky leaped from the bar and shot repeatedly at where the brandy crashed. Finally, a plume of fire shot up and caught the Klingon off-guard. Disgraced and on fire, he ran out of the lounge screaming.

Rocky stood and smiled. The bartender got up as well. "Nice work ass-wipe, now I've got disruptor blast marks all over the place, a giant burn mark on my floor, burning customers, a dead beat musician in my employ, AND minus one bottle of Saurian brandy!"

Rocky just stood and wiped the blood from his mouth. He must have cut himself somewhere along the line.

"You're fired!" The bartender screamed.

"Yeah.. okay." Rocky really didn't blame the guy, after all this place was his livelihood. He went up on stage, grabbed his fold-out piano and left. He went about ten steps outside the lounge and sat down next to a wall. People were cautiously going back into the lounge as he lit up a cigarette.

On a terminal near by, a few shady characters were watching something on the viewer and seemed to be quite enthralled at what they were watching. Rocky got up and approached them.

"What's going on?"

"Someone's paying 10 million bars of latinum for the capture of a ship, the SS Warden."

The other person joined in. "20 if it's done within this week!"

Rocky shook his head. The things people will pay for. "So who's the unlucky son-of-a bitch?"

"Some human, Walter Jones I think was his name."

Rocky tried to hold back his surprise. "Sucks to be them, I guess." He said, and he walked away.

What in the royal fizzbin has Walter gotten himself into?

20 million... that IS a lot of money.

Rocky put out his cigarette and smiled. "Time to collect."


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