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Posted on Mon Jul 13th, 2009 @ 9:01pm by Lee Pierce & Sky Summers

1,675 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Session One - Jailhouse Rock
Location: Mess Hall
Timeline: Current

After a quick pit stop at her bunk, Lee began her 'exploration' of the Warden by the mess hall and kitchen. She was starving and she had no idea what were the captain and thee crew eating habits, if they ate together at a determined time or not. Each crew, each ship came with routines and habits unique to them and it usually took sometime for everything to fall in place. In the meantime, Lee had to eat.

She left her quarters and strode down the corridor to the mess hall. It was nice to have the kitchen so close to the living quarters this time around. It hadn't been the case in the last gig she had. Lee entered the mess hall, her eyes surveying the room right away and she was not surprised to find it empty. She stepped further in to the room and headed to the kitchen area to prepare something for her. After 18 months living with most Klingons, Lee developed a taste for their food - as odd as that might sound - and she checked the cabinets for Klingon ingredients and sauces. Luckily she managed to improvise a dish of Gladst.

With the Gladst and a glass of water in hands, Lee moved back to the mess hall and sat down. It was awfully quiet but it wasn't so bad. She examined her meal for a few seconds and satisfied with the look of it and smell she dug in.

After finishing her wash down in ritual cleansing, Sky had decided that she might as well familiarise herself with her new surroundings. As before, she found Cardassian architecture to be one of the most elegant, if not the most presentable.

Her meanderings had taken her through most of the cargo bays, and now she found herself entering what looked to be a communal area, possibly the mess hall as the kitchen at the rear of the room would indicate. It took her a moment to notice that the room was occupied. The lone occupant, an Orion woman, seemed to be eating what looked to Sky, to be a Klingon dish.

"I always preferred Blood Pie myself, or even Bregit Lung".

The arrival of the companion went unnoticed to Lee at first. The Orion nurse was deep in thought and only realized she was no longer alone in the mess hall when the other woman spoke. Lee lifted her gaze and found one of the most beautiful woman she had ever seen in her young life standing before her. The woman was gorgeous without a question and for that reason Lee couldn't help but think she didn't belong in that place. The woman probably belonged in some fancy place like Risa or a Federation vessel meeting with Ambassadors and high ranking Starfleet officers.

Lee put down the fork and finished chewing the food before speaking up. "Those are good too," the Orion girl said and let out a small but genuine smile. "I was going for something easy and quick to prepare," Lee added with a shrug. "Would you like something? It doesn't taste that much better than it looks but it's not so bad," she offered.

As with all Orions, this young women had the poise of a dancer, or a viper depending on the situation no doubt. She was lean and well built. The sort of person you would not want to start a fight with. She was also a very attractive women too boot.

"I have already eaten but thank you". With graceful steps she crossed the myriad of tables and chairs. "Would you mind?", as she indicated the chair next to Lee. "I've been on the ship for a day now, and I thought it was time to explore the surroundings instead of staying cooped up in my shuttle".

"Oh, not at all," Lee replied motioning the other woman to sit down. "I'm Lee Pierce," the green skinned girl said, introducing herself. She held out a hand her crewmate, apparently. "I arrived today, not long ago actually. Decided for the exploring as well but my stomach decided it needed food," Lee added with a soft grin and then she studied the dark-haired woman for a moment. The mention of a shuttle indicated the brunette wouldn't be staying in crew quarters which could mean she wasn't really part of the crew. Lee didn't make any questions regarding the other woman's role aboard the Warden. She figured the information would come up at some point.

Taking the seat and adjusting her flowing dress so as not to crease it too much. "So whats your role on this boat?" Sky was trying to make general conversation. Other than the Captain and the Pilot, and not forgetting the weapons expert, she hadn't really met any of the crew and still felt the need to find a friend. Especially if the next encounter with the First Mate went like the first meeting.

"I'm the nurse," Lee replied with a light nod. She took pride of the role even if she wasn't officially a nurse. The lack of a degree was just a detail, though. Lee had more experience in the area than a lot of nurse and even some doctors. She took a sip of her drink and leaned back on her seat. "Are you part of the crew or a passenger?" the orion girl asked then. "If you don't mind me asking," she added with a smile. "I haven't met all the crew yet."

"Thats an unusual answer. I am technically a tenant of Captain Jones's". She spotted the raised eyebrow of the young green skinned girl. "I rent one of his shuttles and run my affairs from it. I'm a Risan Companion".
Risa and Orion had both been in the market for sexual icons, and in one respect, two rivals were now discussing it in plain sight. Sky however felt no rivalry between herself and the young girl.

"A Companion?" Lee was surprised and yet not really. The woman sure looked graceful and beautiful enough to be a companion or anything else she'd like for that matter. "That's so fancy," she said honestly with a broad smile. "I've never been to Risa but I heard stories about the place...some kind of paradise," Lee went on as she imagined what paradise would look like for her. She probably wasn't even close to what Risa really looked like. "This must be a big change for you," Lee commented casually. "Don't get me wrong, I love this..." she meant the life in space, the freedom of it all and not the Warden in particularly. Lee wasn't aboard long enough to love the ship but she felt a certain attraction to the ship, a sense of familiarity. "But you just seem above this place."

"You flatter madam", Sky's smile was as broad as Lee's, "But I find that if you really want to experience the universe, then your better off on a ship like this. You meet the real people and not those Starfleet or Federation types". There was no malice in her voice, just a genuine awe at the situation she found herself in.

"Oh that's very true," Lee agreed happily. "Starfleet has a bunch of stuck up folks, if you ask me," the Orion girl commented with a mocking tone. "Civilians crew have the most fun and ships like this have the most interesting people too," she added. "I couldn't imagine myself aboard a fleet ship. All those people looking to boss you around and stuck with regulations and directives. What's the fun in that?"

"It has its moments. I once met a very striking officer. He was on vacation on Risa, this was before I left. He was an intriguing man, and very proud of his beard. I can't remember what his name was now. Ricker, Rocker. Something like that".

"We are not much of Starfleet my family," Lee admitted with a playful grin. "But I'm sure you met a lot of interesting people. Who wouldn't want to meet you of all people after all?" she remarked. "Is everybody on Risa beautiful like yourself or you have good genes?" Lee asked flatly but with a honest interest.

"I think I was just lucky", she laughed. "And you shouldn't knock yourself too much. You're a stunner yourself young lady".The smile didn't fade, if anything it grew with the face that Lee pulled.

Lee grimaced and shook her head. She didn't think of herself as ugly but a stunner was too much for her. Lee was ordinary as far as she was concerned and that was fine in her book. She was not out to conquer a bunch of men anyway. "You are too nice," the green skinned woman said with a thankful smile and looked down at the Gladst or what was left of it. She pursed her lips and then looked intently at the companion. "Would you mind telling me some stories about Risa and yourself one day?" she asked politely. "I'm sure your life is very interesting. I don't need to know any details...don't worry," Lee assured the other woman. "I wouldn't want to break any confidence or anything like that."

"I would like that very much", slowly she pulled her gown about her legs as she started to rise. "Come by my shuttle when your duties permit. Now if you'll excuse me, there is still a very large amount of this ship I still haven't seen".

She winked at the younger women before excusing herself from the room. Leaving Lee to finish her meal in peace.

"Sure," Lee replied, rising to her feet at the same time as Sky. "Thanks. It was nice meeting you..." the green skinned girl still said with a wave as the companion left the mess hall. Lee watched her go and then sat back down to finish her meal. Now that she had met the companion, Lee wondered what other surprises the Warden had in store for her.


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