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Dinner Talk

Posted on Sat Aug 8th, 2009 @ 6:59pm by Charlotte Ashcroft & Walter Jones

1,079 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Session One - Jailhouse Rock
Location: Mess Hall
Timeline: Current

Perhaps it was the drugs Lee had injected into her blood stream or just the course of nature but Lottie was hungry.
The first thing she noticed was the bottle of ale and collection of glasses upon the lone table, then secondly the smell of recent food and warm coffee. Beside the stale aroma she could sense something else, a presence. So with her fingers snaking toward the small phaser strapped to her thigh she turned ready to draw if needed...

Her fingers fell away to hang loosely at her side. It was Jones, and judging by the look upon his face he was in turmoil. Knowing that look she poured him a glass from the bottle and handed it to him disturbing his thoughts.
"Anything I can help you with, sir?" she asked handing out the half filled glass.

"Ohh, I didn't even see you come in." Jones took the glass and finished it in one drink. "Yeah, just got done talking with Tyl and Brian about what is a prison break instead of just a transport. I didn't expect to get hot on the radar this soon after leaving dock." Walter sat down at the table and looked at Charlotte. "I guess it isn't how I planned everything would work out, but such is the life of a freighter captain." He sighed a bit and leaned back in his chair. "So what are you doing up and about?"

She shrugged weaving her way to the replicator. "The usual, I'm hungry. I know Tyl's plan is risky sir but we'll be alright. Marrok and I won't leave anything behind that the Fed's could trace back to us. I'd much rather shot myself then be caught." She turned muttering something to the machine. "Would you like something?" she asked over her shoulder taking the plate of sausages from the outlet.

"I've been eating all night... I can hear myself getting fatter so I should probably pass." Jones rubbed his neck a bit. "I know, I'm sure you and Martok and Tyl are going to be fine, you two are good at what you do, and from what I've seen, with this job the pay is going to be such that we are going to be able to be picky about our next few jobs." He smiled at Charlotte. "Besides I doubt they will expect someone as gorgeous as you to be so deadly."

She laughed lowering her plate and taking a seat. "I think that catches a lot of them out, which always works to my advantage." She smiled grabbing a fork from the counter. She looked up briefly leaving words unsaid. If he were twenty years younger she would play along but she had to hold a certain amount of respect for her Captain.

Jones smiled at her. "Yeah, no doubt. I remember being suckered in by a girl like you one time, she was stunning, quick witted, good with a gun." Walter leaned back in his chair. "She left me naked, in the middle of the desert, without a credit to my name, that is when I decided to take matters into my own hands and get my own ship."

Another deeper laugh escaped Lottie's lips. "Don't worry sir I won't repeat that, you're quite safe."

Jones stood up and walked over to one of the cabinets and grabbed an apple. "So what brings you out here to the dark expanses of the galaxy? You don't seem to be the type that would be out here, no offense intended, I'm just more curious then anything."

"As I've said before I've only known freight and the dangers that go with the job. I can turn my hand to most things when it comes to keeping a boat in the sky, but I wouldn't tell Barin how to fix the phasma exhaust I know my place." Lottie winked. "This is the only thing I know. As for being out here, well that's where the jobs are so there I go. I've got nothing to tie me down to, no family to go home to or even a home to go to. No one to weep over me, or miss me if things go bad," she shrugged her narrow shoulders stabbing the sausage with renewed passion.
"I'm just a wonderer, moving from place to place making enough living to survive. Can't really imagine myself settling down or getting married. I think I'd scare away any potential husbands before they proposed!"

"Yeah, no doubt on that one, old spacers like us just get bored settling down. Something about the call of space that keeps me out here. If I got married I'd probably just end up putting a phaser round between her eyes." He smiled at her but it quickly left his face when he started thinking about the up coming job. "So, even though I think this whole thing is Fubar, and you guys are pro, I am still worried about it and you guys. Your are kind of going into a bad situation."

"Don't under estimate us sir. You need a scenario to test us all, what could be tougher? I've been sneaking around the Fed's since I was a kid, we'll be alright and besides I'd rather shoot myself then be captured so I've never squeal on you sir." Lottie wanted to give the older man from courage and self belief maybe then he'll have a little more confidence too. "Besides when a situation's bad it can't get much worse then that, so things can only get better, can't they?"

"Very true, I have the utmost confidence you guys, but I'm a captain, it is my job to worry about my crew." Walter smiled at her. "We should be at the drop off point in about 6 hours you should probably go get some rest."

Again the slightly off handed suggestion was there, she shook it off folding her used cutlery upon the empty plate now the contents had been devoured.
"Even this ragged lot," she smirked. "I've never been a on boat which such a mixed bag yet they seem to gel quite well." She wasn't at all tired but as always the captain was logical, so returning the plate to the replicator she slid slowly past Jones lingering a little at his shoulder.
"Night, sir."

"Good night" He watched as Charlotte walked out of the mess hall. Why does everything have to be so confusing.


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