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What have we here?

Posted on Sun Nov 8th, 2009 @ 11:31am by Kyle Bowman & Hank Tasco

501 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Interlude - SB 611
Location: Cargo Bay
Timeline: Current


Kyle was still exploring large areas of the ship.

For her size she was pretty empty, the crew barely above skeleton standard. Well, Kyle thought, more profits for the rest of us.

He found himself in one of the cargo Bays, a massive space full of containers varying in shape and size. Quickly getting bored with looking at plain exteriors, Kyle began to peek as he walked, finding all sorts of strange things.

He had rounded a corner, and was lifting a lid one container when a voice came from behind him.

"Can I help you with something or do you just like to randomly go through containers on a cargo ship?" Miller asked when he spotted their new pilot opening a lid on a container.

Kyle smiled as he dropped the lid of the container. "Only checking, I was bored exploring the area. You are?"

"James Miller the cargo chief, responsible for all cargo this ship carries, including that container you happened to be about to look into." Miller said as he secured the container to prevent any stowaways from getting inside and to keep other people from snooping around to see what the ship was carrying.

Kyle smiled "Sorry, didn't think anyone would mind." He looked around the cargo bay "Keeping you busy are they?" He asked.

"At the moment yes they are, after all who else is going to make sure all our supplies get sent over to us before we leave." Miller replied as he updated the inventory padd he was carrying.

"Ooo, fun," Kyle's voice was heavily sarcastic. "How long have you been down here?" He asked curiously.

"Not long, I'm just waiting on a shipment of spare parts to arrive within the next five minutes, and I'm out of here." Miller said looking for any sign of the shipment.

"Good plan," Kyle pointed, "Could that be it?" He asked, noticing a few new looking crates tucked away behind a bunch of big containers. He would have missed it if he'd been too far left or right.

"Possibly." Miller said noticing them. Walking over Miller checked the containers id number with that of the one on his padd. "Looks like its the ones, now just have to check that they sent the right stuff." Opening the containers Miller was greeted by the sight of spare parts. "Know if something breaks down hopefully we got the parts for it."

Kyle nodded to the Young man "Great, I was worried we'd all get stuck out here, this ship is far from top condition." He smiled at the Cargo chief. "Tell you what, when you finish meet me in the bar on 611. I'll buy you a drink, new colleges and all that."

"Okay, I'll see you when I'm done." Miller said accepting Kyle's offer for a free drink; after all no one Miller knew would pass up on free booze.

Kyle nodded "Good Man, see you later." With that Kyle walked off, leaving Miller to his Task.



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