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Covering our asses

Posted on Mon Dec 7th, 2009 @ 10:27pm by Walter Jones & Charlotte Ashcroft & Martok & Tyl'varas Shrive

1,056 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Session Two - Space Junk
Location: Bridge
Timeline: Current

Getting everything in order in such a short time was turning out to be chaotic. New equipment plans and buying weapons, and this is where he was left, the actual demolition or severely damaging a station, fortunately the people he had on board where knew what they where doing. He had sent them all a message to meet him on the bridge to discuss some of these things.

Martok had been acquiring some new equipment for this mission when he got the message to report to the Warden bridge. He finished his business quickly and headed back to the ship. He came in a stood in the corner awaiting the arrival of the others.

Streaked with grease Lottie slumped into an empty seat having lugged at least a tonne of gear into the hold not to mention creates of weapons in various shapes and sizes. Her hair was askew, stains and tracks of perspiration upon her person topped with a weary grin not exactly what you would expect even from a woman, other then her. She nodded a touch breathlessly at Walter as the others filed in.

Coming in shortly thereafter, Tyl headed in, looking his usual irritated self. He took his seat, without a word.

"I'm glad you all could come, what I wanted to discuss with you all today is once we get over on that Cardassian rust bucket, we need to cause the most amount of damage, but I don't want it tied back to us. I need ideas on what we can do to cover our ass. I've got our retreat covered, Max has gotten us some support from his old Klingon buddies, they are going to be shadowing everything cloaked and help us blast our way out if needed, but we need to make sure that when the Cardies are looking at the aftermath, we don't come up as number one suspects." Jones looked at the three people standing in front of him. Knowing that they where the best of the best. "Thoughts?"

Again Lottie raised her hand. Did Kyle manage to swipe some of the nifty gear from the station? I'm thinking some of those personal holoemitters they could be needed to get us on board or to cover our escape. Either that or we create a big enough scene the Cardies won't know what hit them. I've picked up a substantial amount of charges with a high yield."

"Good, I'm working on getting some schematics for the station so that we can place them in the right places. Do we have any Cardassian weapons on board? Phasers, disrupters?"

"By the payload, hence the grease. They're not in the best of condition but I can nurse then back into health." Lottie tucked her straind shirt.

Tyl leaned in. "I have a few cardassian weapons from the dominion occupation of Andoria. Not many, but they're all in good working order."

The small woman nodded, "Good we might be needing them if the batch I've got turn out to be useless."

"What I'm hoping is that maybe they think that it was some elements from the Cardassian government that have come to try and shut them down." Jones looked at Lottie. "As long as they don't blow up in my face I'm ok with it."

"I'm sure we can cook up some convining story," Lottie nodded looking around the bridge for a moment.

Martok waited for the others to speak before he said "I have two suits of Cardassian armor. If we can get the Doc to use some of our new federation equipment to do some surgery we wont need to risk using the holoemiters. Also if this station is Nor class I know my way around them quite well. I was one DS9 for awhile during the war."

"With the holo-emitters I just worry that they are going to have something that is going to cut through it, and I'm not too worried if the people on the station see who we are, with any luck, all of those slimy cardies will be dead by the time we are through with them." Jones got the beep on the comm panel. "Ahh here it is." Jones switched the viewboard to show the station. "Well look at that piece of shit." On the viewscreen appeared to be a dilapidated Nor class station, one of the docking arms looked like it had been snapped off "Well... there ya have it."

"Now that is something I can work with." Martok said. "I know those Nor class stations like the back of my hand. I'll have blueprints up for you soon as well as answer any questions you might have."

Lottie lent forward to study the sorry looking station. "How long to we arrive? We've got shed loads to prep especially if you want surgery too," she looked over to Marok with disapproval. "How many are we taking aboard?"

"I figured the boarding party would be us four, plus Lee, and Max Need someone back on the ship to get us out of here." Jones thought for a minute, "I don't know if I want to get surgery though... this..." he made a swirling motion around his face with his hands. "Is too pretty to cover up with any kind of disguise." He smiled at everyone around.

"I would rather become a pinkskin than be altered to be a spoon-headed fool. I'll take my chances with the holo-emitter." Shrive looked rather disgusted.

"Hey it was just a suggestion." Martok said.

"It was a good idea, don't worry." Jones smiled at them. "Alright, let's do this, Martok, go ahead and work up a plan for blowing that station to hell and our attack and escape routes, Lottie Tyl, check the weapons make sure they aren't going to blow up in our face. I've got to go and secure our passage. Any questions?"

"Yea how many billions of pieces do you want it in?" Martok said with an evil smile.

"Enough that they can't piece anything back together. Alright, lets make this happen people." Jones smiled at them and started to walk out of the bridge to meet Lee down in the shuttlebay.

Martok headed out to make a blue print for everyone and to figure out what they would need to get the job done.



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