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Space Junk (Part 2

Posted on Mon Mar 22nd, 2010 @ 2:28am by Martok & Charlotte Ashcroft & Walter Jones

1,712 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Session Two - Space Junk

Martok took off down the corridor towards the nearest turbolift. As he rounded the corner up ahead the Gorn he had seen earlier were there. He fired a volley from his rifle and took down 3.

The sound of firing bought Lottie back to her senses, now was not a good time to be flirting with the Captain even if he had made her unofficially a share holder of the Warden. She yanked the long barrelled but combat side arm from the holster upon her hip as she ran toward the firing. Around the corner the pelted, gun up with her finger twitching upon the trigger.

Startled by Martok's fire the remaining Gorn where reading themselves to fire, their bright eyes gleaming as they set target upon the bounty hunter hungry to shoot him down as well. They didn't expect him to have an accomplice nor for her to be so close-by.
Blam! Lottie's arm jolting back with the recoil leaving nothing more then smoldering carcass.

As he watched the last of the Gorn go down he headed into the lift. As soon as Lottie boarded he said "Main Core." Looking at Lottie "So do we have a plan or is it just point and shoot and then place the mines?"

"Well was thinking of in and out before we either end up a corpse captured would work well." She glanced sideways. "Now the whole bloody station knows hell has just broken loose we'll gonna struggle on that one."

"That just adds to the fun." Martok said with a smile. Just then the lift door opened. Martok fired at two Cardassians, vaporizing them instantly, off to the right and the rolled behind a console in the same direction. He took up a defensive positions firing at the remaining troops in the room. "We've got to get the mines planted." He yelled to Lottie.

Previously flattening herself against the interior of the lift while the intatal shots were fired Lottie duck, running crouched to take better cover the the hail storm of discharging weapons.
With her narrow shoulders pressed against the console both Martok and herself had taken refuge behind she nodded at this shout and peered around the sharp edges of their shelter. She could count seven Cardassians holding up on the far side of the room, another three pinned down by the central column which was their target.
"Alright," she slinked back. "There is seven at two o'clock covering the second lift and three by the core. We need to move, we'll exposed to this lift should reinforcements arrive. I'm thinking we leap frog each other and get to the core as quickly as possible."

"HOW MANY OF THEM DID YOU SEE?" One of the Cardassians poked his head out and got a phaser blast to the head. The "leader" of the remaining 6 looked around and reprogrammed his phaser, "GET SOME OF THOSE DAMN LIZARDS DOWN HERE!" Judging where the firing was coming from he threw the phaser towards a console by Martok. "EVERYONE DUCK" the phaser let out a high pitched squeal that echoed through the engineering room, and made a metallic "clank" as it hit the floor.

Martok shoved Lottie towards another nearby console kicked the phaser away and then dove after Lottie before the explosion shook the room deafening them all.

The woman tumbled tugging in her limbs as Martok shouldered her. She hadn't seen the flying weapon until the high pitch squeal reached her ears. By this time her comrade had already pushed her to safety and followed after, the explosion from the grenade vibrating through the floor passing a heave of heat in all directions blistering the console where they had been only seconds before.

"The idiots are going to kill everyone like that." Martok said. "How good is your blind firing skills? We may need to use them?"

Moving into a crouch Lottie checked the power charge on her weapon looking up momentarily at Martok looking even more fierce with soot streaked across his face. "Good enough, we'll soon find out. Whatever your planning make is fast before they pin us down completely."

"You take the 3 by the core, I'll take the others." Martok said pulling out a pistol in order to be able to lay down more fire on the enemy.

She nodded adjusting her position then upon thinking felt like turning back to ask if he was being sexist. The words never made it from her mouth since Martok had already starting firring. With a none humorous grin Lottie crouch ran to the next console masking for cover.
Now closer she switched weapons pulling a stumpy but power pistol like weapon from her belt, followed by a second leaving the rifle abandoned for the while. Her prey where actually taking shelter around the station's core making shooting at them directly extra risky. Granted Martok and herself were where to destroy the core but not with themselves along with it!
She had to patient. her accuracy deadly. Upon hearing the sounds of firing from across the room the three Cardassions behind the core stretched a long bony neck to investigate. One of them immediately regretted his decision as Lottie fired. Naturally the other two were more cautions. Until they moved turning from defenders to attackers moving around the throbbing power tower toward Lottie loosening volley of volley to pin her as they came.
They knew she was alone, at their beady eyes clocking that she was human and a woman potentially making her an easy target. Moving briskly to avoid the falling shells that exploded around her Lottie could feel her ears ringing disorientating her. Therefore when she finally was able to earn herself a clear shot the pair of Cardassions that were attacking her had grown in the four with double vision. The two pistols were firing moving between the four with a hope that she'd be able to take at least one of them down, perhaps both.

With a piece of luck she felled one and his colleague tumbled over the fallen man in a whirl of limb and curses. With the two attackers down Lottie dashed toward the core half diving for cover when her assailant regained his footing. Now the tables were altered in her favour. He would have to shoot carefully or fear causing fatal damaged to the station.

After a quick dance aronud the colum where the two of them chased each other Lottie grew tired of this game and halted extening both hands in operate directions awaiting the ridges of the Cardassion guard to round. She didn't have to wait much longer before she jammed a finger upon the trgger earning her another kill.

Martok stuck his rifle over the console and began to fire. 2 of the Cardassians were vaporized immediately. He then stood up and took aim with his pistol. He shot another Cardy in the head and a 4th in the arm taking him out of the fight. Then the other 2 started firing back. Martok dove forward over the console and rolled towards his targets. He shot 1 Cardy mid dive, but dropped his rifle on impact. He drew his mek'leth and charged the remaining Cardy, slicing his throat. The man had been so stunned by the fact that he was being charged by a man with a knife during the middle of a gun fight that he didnt react in time and it cost him his life. The Cardassians head rolled to the ground and Martok bent down to pick up his rifle and see how Lottie had faired in her battle.

After a quick dance aronud the colum where the two of them chased each other Lottie grew tired of this game and halted extening both hands in operate directions awaiting the ridges of the Cardassion guard to round. She didn't have to wait much longer before she jammed a finger upon the trgger earning her another kill.

Seeing that Lottie had everything under control Martok went over to the core and began to place the mines. Each one cloaked as he activated it. He activated the last mine and said "You ready to go?"

"Yeah, lets go." Lottie nodded.

Martok headed back to the lift that they had came out of as he went he tapped his comm unit "Martok to Jones, Lottie and I have completed out part of the mission anything else you want us to do?"

"Kill anything that isn't us, we've almost finished up here. We'll meet back at the airlock in 5 minutes. Jones out."

As Martok made it to the lift, the door slid open and 4 large Gorn shock troopers stepped out and quickly assessed the situation. Seeing the Chal, they quickly aimed their phaser rifles at Lottie and Martok.

"Give up, and we may let you live". The Gorn in front hissed.

Without thinking Lottie raised her weapons, likewise causing a stalemate. They were out numbered, trapped, but not out gunned. They could still shoot themselves out of this providing they acted quickly. She gave Martok a swift glance trying to read his expression.

"Let us live?" Martok said smugly. "Your entire station is going to go up in a ball of fire in 1 minute. We might let you live.

This distracted the Gorn for a split second, which was all Martok and Lottie needed. Martok jumped into action and shot one Gorn with each pistol.

Already covering them Lottie fired ruthlessly. "Come on," she turned to Martok before their adversary had fallen. "Let's go before more arrive."

Martok followed Lottie as they ran out of the room to 'safety'. "Lets get out of here" he said.

Checking the time remaining upon detonation Lottie charged into the nearest lift which ascended quickly. It humming sound barley registered with her senses, her head still full of phaser fire. Seconds later the tone subsided and the doors swept open.

The duo still with a wary eye moved through the station toward the airlock where Jones was suppose to met them, only he wasn't there. Again Lottie checked her watch. Five minuets had elapsed.

Raising her pistols she continued on leading Martok onward toward the bridge wondering with concern that Jones had trapped himself and hid crew with a personal mistake.


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