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New exotic Destinations...

Posted on Wed Nov 3rd, 2010 @ 8:06pm by Walter Jones & Morgan Pass & Jan Valentine & Charlotte Ashcroft

1,160 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Session 4: The Humans are Dead...


He had the cash, and had gotten rid of all of the latent cargo that was on the ship, the gem, the targs, the spare parts. All that was left was to pay the crew and move on towards the next posting.

The last job had taken a toll on him, a traitor in his midsts, his ship torn apart, and a slug in his shoulder that damn near cost him his life. Jones walked into the bridge of the Warden and plopped down in his beat up chair. "Anyone who wants to get paid for their services had better get up here before I blow it all on booze and easy women."

Jan heard the message over the scratchy intercom speaker, and swore. "Damn it, I was in the middle of fixing the cargo transporter..." Jan said to himself.

He grabbed one of the many bottles of alcohol scattered around the transporter pad, and set a site to site transport on a voice command. "Activate sequence." Jan said. A moment later he dematerialized. An alarm sounded from the worn out console, but no one was there to adjust any of the errors.

Jan rematerialized on the bridge, only it appeared to him to be upside down. He then realized he was actually upside down, but before he could react, he fell to the deck with a crash.

"Whoops." Jan said, staggering to his feet. "Last time I drink and teleport." Jan said, with a chuckle.

Morgan walked deliberately slowly from Medical to the bridge. He had not actually discussed any form of payment from the Captain, so it would be interesting to see how this would be handled. He was almost at the bridge when a young human he didn't recognize barreled past him.

The young man leapt through the door onto the bridge. He slid to a stop in front of the Captain, "Ex-Lieutenant Bruce Air, reporting as ordered, sir."

"Wait, who the hell are you?" Jones looked at the man standing in front of him.

Bringing up the rear of the group still mauling over Jones' previous conversation Lottie arrived on the bridge to be issued with her cut of the bounty, That was temporarily forgotten at the energetic entrance from this stranger by the name of Bruce Air. Uncertain who the hell he was Lottie withdrew a side arm and primed the chamber.

"Whoa whoa whoa, everyone hold the fuck up a second!" Jan shouted, almost tripping on the half step between the nav console and the upper area of the bridge.

"This guy's with me. I found him poking around the outside of the ship and it turned out he was a pilot. I forgot to introduce him to you Jones." Jan said, walking between Bruce and Lottie.

Bruce smile never faltered, "Wow, most women don't draw a weapon on me on the first date... no wait, that's a lie. It does seem to be a developing trend. Good morning all. I got to say I am looking forward to getting a go behind the Helm of this classic."

Morgan thought to himself, "Well at least the landing should be a little smoother from now on."

"Alright, whatever, just don't call me sir, I work of a living and you aren't a member of the fleet anymore." Jones continued.

"Yes, sir," Air grinned sending a mock salute. He went over to the helm and sat down with a happy little whistle.

Flicking the saftey back on Lottie returned the firearm back to its holster, but still remained on edge with Air.

Shaking his head Jones tossed the padd over to the members of his ragged crew. "Alright standard 10% of the net for you guys, plus I've divided up the traitors cut, you guys get 750 bars, go ahead and sign, that includes you Doc. You earned your bars."

Morgan accepted the PADD when it came to him but hesitated a moment before providing the thumb print ID.

Catching the small padd Lottie pressed her thumb against it without hesitation, nodding with aprroval.

"The nice thing is I got a little extra out of our employers then what they wanted to pay us initially." Jones grabbed the pad back and stuck it next to his console.

Jones watched as they inspected and tossed around the padd. "And you'll all be happy to know that I've got us another job lined up. This time it is just cargo.. no targs, no illicit diamonds, nothing weird going on. We are heading into Lagashi space, they've just been admitted to the Federation, and with the contacts I have, we are going to be one of the first cargo ships going in." Jones brought up the flight plan on the map and pointed towards it.

Air looked the plans over smiling, "Nice simple flight, avoids most of the fun... er... interesting parts of space between here and there. Estimate flight time 79 hours at Warp 5."

"Simple, eh?" Lottie couldn't help but chuckle. With this lot nothing ever was simple.

"Should be, the nice thing is I've got something worked out for you Jan, when we get there, you are going to be able to meet with some docs from the trade union to look at that your eye. See if maybe we can get this patched up for you." Jones looked at the map and the back to the crew. "Any questions about the Lagashi."

"That sounds interesting." Jan said, thumbing the padd.

"One last thing." Jones got stoned faced as he looked at the crew. "As you know we had a bit of a traitor on board, and he was taken care of. Did you find anything out about who was paying him?"

"Oh yeah, Lottie and I dug through his computer, some Gorn offered him a ship in exchange for handing over your head." Jan said.

"Sounds like a good deal," Morgan muttered. He realised he had spoken aloud and went on to say, "From a purely financial transaction point of view, of course. I have never desired my own ship."

Lottie shot the Pass a icy stare. "I don't think however the trail will stop here. So be prepared for more slippery tactics in the upcoming months. Someone went to a lot of trouble hiring the merc and winning over Kyle, so don't get complacent."

Morgan gave his humorless smile, "Complacency is not one of my failings, my dear."

"It's one of mine," Air put in with a big grin. "but I have such a long list. So, Captain, when do we dust off?"

"48 hours, we've got some things being loaded up right now and we'll be headed out soon, just keep an eye out guys, I'd hate to lose anyone here." Jones looked around at the group. "Any quick questions? Get what you need, then we'll get a move on."

Jones saw no questions, "Alright get what you need and we'll get the hell out of here."


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